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video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

David Loving-Molloy appears on ‘Praise Be’

David Loving-Molloy of the Catholic Deaf Centre in Palmerston North joins Graeme Thomson on ‘Praise Be’ to share his thoughts about Deaf Awareness Week, and the work he does with the Deaf community.
Television New Zealand Archive
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Sports Convention, 1973

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1972 (Vol. 9, No. 1)

NZSL Stories
  • John Hunt
Est. 2010
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Eight Pool Club: The 5s Tournament, Best Player of the Year

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Bay of Plenty Times

Deaf couple use sign language to organise building a new house

A new house build can be a challenging time for a young couple. But Gregory and Victoria Lessing are also deaf, and undertook a house build from scratch using NZSL.
Bay of Plenty Times

Preserving our tāonga – our NZSL history and language.

Find out more! 

article – Taonga source: Stuff

Signing avatar could help Deaf Kiwis order at fast food drive-throughs

Arash Tayebi’s idea to develop sign language avatar technology is personal. And while Kara Technologies is still in the pilot stage, Tayebi hopes the technology will become easier to access as 24/7 teachers or in emergencies.
Object – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts

Souvenir Badge: Los Angeles 1985, XV World Deaf Games

Margaret Coutts
Object – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Signed Rugby Ball: Central Zone Deaf Rugby, 2011

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Sports Convention: Trip to Motuihe Domain

During the Sports Convention, Deaf people travel to Motuihe Domain, on Motuihe Island in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf, for a picnic.
Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Communicating from a silent world

Jenny Griffiths, the mother of two profoundly deaf children, talks about communicating with them in Total Communication.

Help us name people in videos!

Yep, I’m keen! 

video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

History through Young Eyes: Interview with Susie Ovens

A Tu Kokiri student interviews Susie Ovens on her involvement with the infamous Deaf Sign Singers group.
Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Sue Williams

The Remand of Ivan Curry

A documentary outlining the case of Ivan Curry who, in 1988, was arrested and tried for the murder of his baby nephew. The documentary explores the case and in particular the plight of Ivan Curry who was remanded without bail for 15 months awaiting trial, as well as the difficulty Deaf people face navigating the justice system.
Sue Williams
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Cricket Team, 1999

Clive Morgan
article – Taonga source: NZ Herald

Deaf woman goes to head of class

Struggles in her own schooling as she grew up made profoundly deaf Auckland woman Sarah Cameron want to be a teacher. Her ambition came true yesterday when she became the first deaf person to graduate with a mainstream secondary teacher's diploma.
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Polo Shirt: Northern Deaf Golf Team – NZ Deaf Games

Auckland Deaf Society

Do you have films, photos or papers about the Deaf World?

Yes, I do!  

video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

The inaugural Deaf Festival is hosted at Kelston Deaf Education Centre

Deaf children are taught drama skills by two Deaf visitors from the UK, in preparation for their show at the opening night of the inaugural Deaf Festival, hosted by Kelston Deaf Education Centre.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1964-65 (Vol. 2, No. 2)

video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Kelston School for Deaf sends its netball and rugby teams to Russell

Kelston School for Deaf sends its netball and rugby teams to Russell.
Susan Hamilton
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: March 1991 (Vol. 5, No. 1)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Autumn 1965 (Vol. 2, No. 3)

Do you know any online videos that SignDNA should link to?

Let us know! 

article – Taonga source: City Voice

Deaf viewers ask for a hand

People who can hear as well as see 'Reasonable Doubts' (TV3, 9.50pm Saturdays) might be surprised to learn that Deaf New Zealanders can understand deaf lawyer Tessa Kaufman’s sign language little better than they can. ASL, used by Deaf actor Marlee Matlin, is a foreign language here. My Deaf friends give it the thumbs up. But the failure of television in New Zealand to provide anything in NZSL is described as “a running sore” by Hilary McCormack.
article – Taonga source: Karori News

Deaf are helped

The new Wellington field office is playing its part in other developments of interest to deaf people, such as the spread of total communication and the growing importance of the Wellington Deaf Society.
article – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Lip service

The producer of News Review explains the innovations and experimentations they have made in creating the programme, specially designed for the hard of hearing.
Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Deaf field officer for Christchurch

A field officer for the deaf, Mr David Chilwell, a former president of the Christchurch Deaf Club, has been appointed in Christchurch as a result of a grant from the Lottery Funds Board.
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: April 1990

Auckland Deaf Society

Everyone has a story to tell.

Share yours! 

Est. 1949
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Adult Deaf Society All Round Sports Cup: 100 Yrds Run, Putting The Short, Hop Step and Jump

Auckland Deaf Society
Object – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Demolished Wood Floor Souvenir: CHCH DEAF CLUB, 1965–2011

Manawatu Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Summer 1998

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Object – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Silver Medal: Ten Pin Bowling, New Zealand Deaf Games, Dunedin 2006

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Berry Family: Part 2

We take you into the home of the Berrys and look at the lives of deaf New Zealanders. Playing poker is one of this family’s favourite pastimes!
Attitude Pictures

Do you know of an online article that SignDNA should link to?

Let us know!