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article – Taonga source: The Northern Advocate

Deaf community rally for fully funded sign language interpreters at festivals and events

Northland's deaf community are rallying to get sign language interpreters at major events, anniversaries and festivals such as Waitangi Day and Anzac Day commemorations. Deaf Action NZ and Tū Tāngata Turi want the Government to fully fund New Zealand sign language interpreters for formal coverage of events, along with social interpreting throughout the day.
The Northern Advocate
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Yearbook: van Ash Deaf Education Centre, 1995

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Adult Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1952

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Spring/Summer 1990/91 (Vol. 24. No. 2)

video – Taonga source: Sara Pivac Alexander

International Postcard: New Zealand

DeafTV from Denmark makes a trip to New Zealand to feature the country and its Deaf community on its ‘International Postcard’ series, with scenes from a normal Friday night at the Deaf Club, a trip to the Deaf Association office. The Deaf Danish crew are also welcomed onto the Rūaumoko Marae.
Sara Pivac Alexander

Preserving our tāonga – our NZSL history and language.

Find out more! 

video – Taonga source: Deaf Studies Research Unit, VUW

Christchurch Earthquakes: The Deaf Experience

Deaf people share stories in NZSL of their experiences through the 2010 and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes.
Deaf Studies Research Unit, VUW
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2011 (Vol. 33, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Sara Pivac Alexander

Asia-Pacific Deaf Youth Camp, 2002

The 2nd Asia Pacific Deaf Youth camp (APDYC) held at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre in Turangi is featured on ‘Inside Out’. Altogether, there were 43 Deaf youths from 12 countries, 15 youth leaders, 10 interpreters and a couple of guest speakers.
Sara Pivac Alexander
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowling Club Representatives, Easter 1994

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Māori Television

Deaf filmmaker aspires to make TV series in sign language

A turi (deaf) filmmaker hopes to create a TV series entirely in NZSL to showcase the language to the world. Jared Flitcroft (Ngāti Maniapoto) enjoys telling stories from all kinds of people and perspectives but says stories from the Māori deaf community are imperative.
Māori Television

Help us name people in videos!

Yep, I’m keen! 

Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Rugby Union, 2001

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: September 1991 (Vol. 5, No. 3)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, 14th National Deaf Inter-Zonal Championship Winners, 2007

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Est. 1980
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society’s Most Popular Member of the Year

Wellington Deaf Society
Est. 1987
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

M.Welham Cup: Ten Pin Bowls for the Deaf, Ladies Highest Score

Wellington Deaf Society

Do you have films, photos or papers about the Deaf World?

Yes, I do!  

publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: September 1979 (Vol. 2, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Cook tragedy feared

Seven deaf and mute Japanese climbers are angry at newly knighted Prime Minister, Sir Robert Muldoon, ordering them down from Mt Cook yesterday, says a leading mountain guide.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1972 (Vol. 9, No. 2)

video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Sports Convention: Trip to Motuihe Domain

During the Sports Convention, Deaf people travel to Motuihe Domain, on Motuihe Island in Auckland’s Hauraki Gulf, for a picnic.
Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: June 1994

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Do you know any online videos that SignDNA should link to?

Let us know! 

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Host Committee: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowling Club, 1986

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

News Review: Ready, Set, Go!

Susan Thomas takes the reins at the studio this week on ‘News Review’. The team recaps footage from the World Games of the Deaf which wrapped up on the Tuesday before. Watch records being broken, and some footage of our Kiwi athletes in action!
Rodney Roberts
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

Deaf News of New Zealand: 1974 (Vol. 11, No. 3)

publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Spring 1966 (Vol. 4, No. 1)

video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Young and Deaf: Dean’s Story

Dean Buckley is a young Deaf man on a mission. Only eighteen years old, Dean's already experienced a great deal of adversity, and now he's determined to become a leader and advocate for other Deaf teenagers. First up, taking on the challenges of Youth Parliament, representing Deaf MP Mojo Mathers.
Attitude Pictures

Everyone has a story to tell.

Share yours! 

article – Taonga source: The Northern Advocate

Danger for deaf drives campaign

A Northland advocate is behind a campaign to get deaf-friendly fire alarms installed in public buildings, after a deaf university student was left behind during a drill. Whangarei's Kim Robinson, chairman of Deaf Action New Zealand, is driving the petition to make visual fire alarms - similar to what many deaf people have in their homes - mandatory in public buildings.
The Northern Advocate
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Deaf Rugby Team: Part Three – Finale

The final instalment of Attitude’s three-part series with Auckland’s Deaf rugby side, the Marlins. We've followed the guys on and off the field, now we're at the biggest rugby game of the season: it's time to contest the coveted National Shield.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Travelling with sign language

Last week we met the Fergusons, a family of five who communicate using NZSL. Here, we join the Fergusons on their trip of a lifetime attending the World Federation of the Deaf Congress — in Paris.
Attitude Pictures
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: May 2010

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

College in crisis

Van Asch College may be forced to cut staffing levels because of funding cuts of almost 50 per cent. The chairman of the Van Asch College board, Mr Alan Bensley, cofnirmed this last night but no "final" decisions had been made.

Do you know of an online article that SignDNA should link to?

Let us know! 

article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Deaf viewers of TVNZ will have news subtitles

Some Television New Zealand news bulletins are to be subtitled for hard-of-hearing viewers, but no titles are planned for TV3 news.
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Interview with I. King Jordan about Deaf education

The first Deaf president of Gallaudet University, I. King Jordan, is visiting Christchurch, New Zealand for the World Games of the Deaf in January 1989. Dr King Jordan is interviewed about the changes he has implemented at Gallaudet University, and Deaf education in NZ.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2012 (Vol. 34, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Merge NZ

The Watercooler: Deaf Youth edition

Deaf Youth in New Zealand sharing experiences and stories from their lives.
Merge NZ
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

More than 1300 involved

About 100 interpreters have been trained in Christchurch over the last year. The classes were organised by the hearing people but the deaf were the teachers. It is only the second time that New Zealand sign language has been taught in this country.

We welcome your ideas about improving SignDNA!

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article – Taonga source: Unknown

Breaking the sound barrier

Growing up in Feilding Della Roache used to like going to the pub to pick up her dad. Now she's the bar manager at the Himatangi Beach Cosmopolitan Club. And she's deaf.
article – Taonga source: Southern News

Helping deaf to communicate

There is still much lack of understanding among the general public about the needs of deaf people, says Pat Dugdale, field officer in Wellington for the New Zealand Association of the Deaf.
video – Taonga source: DEAFinitely Youth Group

1st National Deaf Youth Camp, 2005

The 1st National Deaf Youth Camp – April 2005 at Finlay Adventure Park, Cambridge – was supported and organised by DEAFinitely Youth Group (DYG). It was founded in 2000 to host the 2nd Asia-Pacific Deaf Youth Camp, and it went on to support the 1st NDYC with 25 participants and 5 different workshops.
DEAFinitely Youth Group
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: June 1962

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

An actor learns about being deaf

Children Of A Lesser God, a play that tackles the communication problems faced by deaf people, opens at Circa tomorrow night. Suzanne Pollard talks to two of the cast about their roles.

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The Sign Singing Superstars
The Sign Singing Superstars
The Sign Singing Superstars

The Sign Singing Superstars

Collection of archival items related to the Sign Singing Superstars, with videos, images, articles and later, NZSL stories!
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Social Netball Club, 1991

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Cricket in silence

Wayne Riggs (Wellington) beats Shaun Ruffel (Taranaki) to the wicket in a practice game by members of the Central District Deaf Sports team before the Saturday match against an Australian deaf team.
video – Taonga source: Elizabeth Hines

Memories of triple World Deaf Games champion John Ooteman

New Zealand’s most acclaimed Deaf gold medallist, John Ooteman was a triple World Games for the Deaf champion (Koln 1981, Los Angeles 1985, Christchurch 1989). His story is told through the eyes of Elizabeth Hines, his Deaf sister.
Elizabeth Hines
video – Taonga source: Pam and Doug Croskery

Deaf social rugby match: Married vs Single men

An informal annual rugby game between teams of Deaf men, married and single, which was played on one of Kelston Deaf Education Centre’s fields.
Pam and Doug Croskery

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Featured Story
Community Life and Places

Auckland Deaf Society

Established in 1937, Auckland Deaf Society (ADS) is New Zealand’s largest Deaf Club. The club’s original home was at an old shop on 47 Parnell Road in Auckland, before moving to 164 Balmoral Road. ADS is now located at 16 Hillsborough Road. Its Senior Citizens group has amassed a large number of films and donated them to SignDNA. They cover a wide range of events and activities, many of which continue today in one form or another.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Northern Sports Team, Netball, 2002

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Julie Bullivant

Julie Bullivant tells her story about what it was like growing up deaf and attending van Asch, a deaf boarding school.
AUT Visual Languages Section
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: St. Dominic’s O.B. Basketball Deaf Club, 1979

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

World Authorities Meet Deaf Wellington Children

Dr. A.W.G. Ewing and his wife, Dr. Irene Ewing, English authorities on the education of the deaf, with some of the pupils of St. Dominic's School for the Deaf, Island Bay, Wellington. The Ewings are here at the invitation of the Government to advise on education in their field.
video – Taonga source: Rae McKie

School for the Deaf Marching Girls reunited 45 years later!

The infamous Deaf Marching Girls reunite 45 years later, with a Friday spent practicing before showing their routine to supporters at van Asch on the Sunday.
Rae McKie
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: June 1993

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Deaf Kiwis abroad!

Deaf New Zealanders take timeout for some sightseeing during a trip to the first, week-long Deaf Way conference in 1989 in Washington DC, USA.
Dorothy Jones
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Parent’s Day at Titirangi School for Deaf (1955)

Annual Parent’s Day at Titirangi School for Deaf, where students show their parents around the school and put on a performance – tumbling, boxing, puppetry, ball handing and ballet.
Susan Hamilton
NZSL story – Taonga source: Janet Watt

What it was like being the team manager for the New Zealand badminton team

Janet Watt was the team manager for the New Zealand badminton team at the Christchurch World Deaf Games. She recalls being worried that each player had their own room at the university accommodation; how that would lead to more work for her (and eventually, silver and bronze for the team's players!).
Janet Watt
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Advanced computer data base backs NZ’s first sign language dictionary

Managing editor Professor Graeme Kennedy said the project had developed the most advanced computer database in the world for analysing and recording sign language.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1968 (Vol. 5, No. 2)

Est. 1989
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Cook Strait Shield: Central Districts vs Canterbury Deaf Rugby League

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Help to get to varsity

A deaf Wellington woman may now realise her life's ambition thanks to a Workbridge Women's Study Award. Sarah Cameron of Karori had always wanted to complete a university degree and train as a teacher of the deaf.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: October 1969 (Vol. 6, No. 4)

Est. 1988
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

W.D.S. Ten Pin Bowls for the Deaf: Lowest Points

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Angela Sew Hoy: A Deaf Chinese New Zealander

‘Asia Dynamic’ catches up with Angela Sew Hoy, to find out what life is like as a Deaf Chinese New Zealander, navigating three different cultures in everyday life.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: DEAFinitely Youth Group

The first Wallace Williams Comedy Evening kicks off!

The first ever Wallace Williams Comedy Evening kicks off in 2003, as a fundraiser for Deaf Youth to attend the WFD Congress in Montreal, Canada.
DEAFinitely Youth Group
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, 25th National Deaf Rugby Inter-Zonal Championships, 2018

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
article – Taonga source: Contact

Communication awareness for deaf

Michael May will be three next month, already he has skills, and problems that most of us don't even know about. Fiona May, his mother talks about her experiences which lead her to help form the Wellington Association for Deaf Children.

Elizabeth ‘Maree’ Carroll (QSM)

Maree has given decades of generous service to the community in which she lives. Maree was heavily involved in organising the St Dominic's School for the Deaf school reunions which enabled the school community to remain connected over many decades. Maree was instrumental in establishing the Manawatu Deaf Society, taking a leading role.
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: July 2009

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

David Loving-Molloy appears on ‘Praise Be’

David Loving-Molloy of the Catholic Deaf Centre in Palmerston North joins Graeme Thomson on ‘Praise Be’ to share his thoughts about Deaf Awareness Week, and the work he does with the Deaf community.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Latvian Love

Kiwi Shaun Ruffell and Latvian Indrai Ozolinai, both Deaf, meet again three years after meeting at the 1989 World Games for the Deaf (in Christchurch), during which time they have kept in touch through letters.
Television New Zealand Archive
Est. 1991
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Golf Club: Best Stableford

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Coping in a hearing world

Rachel Noble and Donna Allen, both 17 and profoundly deaf, talk about their experiences in education.
Featured Story
Community Life and Places


Telethons were run nationwide in New Zealand in 1975-79, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1988, 1990-91, 1993 and 2009. The 24-hour fundraiser would take place in regions around New Zealand and was broadcast on TV. Viewers would be shown coverage of the telethon nearest to their location. Smaller regions would typically see coverage of the telethon in one of the main centres (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington, Christchurch or Dunedin), and it was in those areas where Deaf people were invited to participate.
article – Taonga source: NZPA

‘Precedent’ worry in stopping climb

The decision to prevent seven deaf Japanese climbers from tackling Mount Cook had set a dangerous precedent, although many people would think it was the right thing to do.
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Dunedin 1983

A good crowd gathers to the deep south, Dunedin for the NZ Deaf Sports Convention in 1983.
Sue Penman
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Deaf man misses out on winning a car, claims discrimination

Holmes investigates the case of Wallace Williams, an Auckland Deaf man claiming he is being discriminated against. He won a contest at Hunters Plaza in Auckland for a car but was unable to claim the prize at the time because he could not hear the announcement that he was the winner.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: December 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Zena Hughes

Third national Deaf Womens’ Sevens Tournament

The Northern Deaf womens’ team wins the third sevens tournament, comfortably beats Central 60-0 and Southern 34-0. Southern beats Central 34-5.
Zena Hughes
article – Taonga source: Contact

Music will help those who cannot hear it

The Wellington Deaf Society urgently needs new premises, and 51 American Barber Shop singers will help to raise the $200,000 needed to buy them. The society has $80,000 saved from 53 years of street appeals. Noel Ramsey, a volunteer worker, is disppointed ticket sales for the concert has been slow.
Images – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf Rugby

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Rugby Football Union, New Zealand v South Africa, 1995

New Zealand Deaf Rugby
video – Taonga source: Merge NZ

Interview: Jamie Brown from Merge NZ talks about the impacts and benefits of learning NZSL

Jaime Brown, Merge NZ Co-Director, learned NZSL and didn't just find a language, but a community and a passion. Seecus talks to Jaime about the impacts NZSL has had for her and the benefits of learning sign language.
Merge NZ
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Ivan and Hilda Tamepo

In an open and touching interview, Ivan and Hilda tell their tales of growing up in New Zealand, and look back on photos from their deaf schooling years.
AUT Visual Languages Section
article – Taonga source: NZ Herald

Treatment of deaf man is modern horror story

The documentary 'The Remand of Ivan Curry (One, Sunday 9.35) was the story of how a man could spend two years in a New Zealand prison without trial. A deaf man arrested for a murder he did not commit who was kept in jail through lack of police investigation then turned back onto the streets with nothing, not even an apology.
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

ADS Badminton Club celebrates its 40th birthday!

The ADS Badminton Club, well known for recognising its milestones, has a well-attended dinner at Auckland Deaf Society to celebrate its 40th birthday!
Dorothy Jones
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Carnival: Friends of the Deaf stall, 1958

The Friends of the Deaf group man a fundraising stall at the Auckland Carnival in Western Springs, Auckland in January 1958.
Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

News special for the deaf

New Zealand's first television programme for deaf people will be broadcast nationally from Christchurch next Saturday.
article – Taonga source: The Press

Strong medical presence

The 1400 officials and competitors at the World Deaf Games will be well attended by a large group of medical doctors, St John Ambulance officers, physiotherapists, podiatrists and masseurs. Drug and gender tests will also be a part of the workload.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

First deaf person to serve on jury

Sign language interpreters have made it possible for a deaf Victoria University lecturer to serve on a jury which is believed to be a first for New Zealand.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Deaf Demons Basketball Club, Winter 1964

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Women’s Basketball Team, Victorian Tour of New Zealand, April 1996

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Interpreters spent year on training

Nearly 90 Christchurch people have spent the last year training to be interpreters at the World Games for the Deaf, with about 50 deaf people teaching the volunteers their language.

Anthony ‘Tony’ Walton (CNZM)

Tony received the Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit in 2001 for his services to the Deaf community. Tony has had a broad involvement in many areas of the Deaf community, having been President of the NZ Deaf Sports Association and successfully hosting the World Deaf Games in 1989.
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Palmerston North 1976

The Christchurch team travel to Palmerston North for the NZ Deaf Sports Convention on Labour Weekend, 1976.
Sue Penman
article – Taonga source: City Voice

In the mainstream

Theresa Newson and Maria Griffiths are completely deaf. They are also students at St Catherine's College, Kilbirnie. Their mothers looked at several schools in the Wellington region because they wanted their daughters to stay at home rather than go to Van Asch.
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Indoor Bowls Club, 1994

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club: Shipwreck Fancy Dress Party, 20 April 1991

A shipwreck themed fancy dress party – a basketball fundraiser – was organised by the Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club. There are pirates aplenty and dress parades with the best dressed going to Graham Hammond and Joyce Ferguson.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowls Club, Host Committee, Easter 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Archives New Zealand

National Film Unit visits Sumner School for the Deaf – Student life

The National Film Unit visits Sumner School for the Deaf to film a typical day at the school.
Archives New Zealand
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

St Dominics Gala

St Dominics School for the Deaf hold their annual Gala Day – year unknown.
Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

Penny…and her thoughts

Penny Went collected a silver medal at the last World Games for the Deaf – now she is home and aiming for gold.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: September 1985 (Vol. 8, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Victoria News, Victoria University of Wellington

NZSL dictionary includes te reo Māori

Deaf New Zealanders now have access to te reo Māori vocabulary in the Online Dictionary of NZSL, compiled by Victoria’s Deaf Studies Research Unit.
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton

Indoor Basketball: Team New Zealand falls to Sweden

The New Zealand basketball team battled it out with Sweden on 13 July 1985, at Pepperdine University, Malibu. The first half went to Sweden, 81 to 25, before the New Zealanders fought back for a better second half, ending with 156 to Sweden and 74 to New Zealand. It was the New Zealand basketball team’s second loss at the Games, having earlier lost to Israel. They came 7th out of 8 teams at the Games.
Tony Walton
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: November 1989

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: February 1984

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball, 1977

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Basketball Club, 1985

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Zealandia

Deaf sponsor nun on trip of faith

The Wellington Catholic Deaf Association is sending a Dominican nun to conferences in Hamburg and Manchester.
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton

Opening ceremony of the VX World Games for the Deaf

New Zealand sends 30 athletes to the 15th World Games for the Deaf in Los Angeles, with footage of the opening ceremony. The flagbearer for New Zealand was John Ooteman, with Susie Ovens carrying the kiwi mascot. The Gallaudet Dance Company also put on a performance. Footage shows a fly by with a sign saying ‘WELCOME WORLD GAMES FOR THE DEAF’.
Tony Walton
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: September 1980 (Vol. 17, No. 5)

video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Deaf Politician Mojo Mathers

Mojo Mathers is New Zealand's first Deaf Member of Parliament. She's using her position to advocate on disability, but she's battled her own prejudices.
Attitude Pictures
Images – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Sports Team, Los Angeles 1985

Margaret Coutts
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: December 1987 (Vol. 10, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Aussie deaf team here

Almost one hundred Australian athletes will compete in the trans-tasman deaf games to be held in Wellington this weekend.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowling Club 1980

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Australian Deaf vs Auckland Deaf Society, Men’s Indoor Basketball, 1971

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Palmerston North 1976

Footage from the sports, meeting, and socialising at the 21st NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Palmerston North 1976.
Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

St Dominic’s 45th Jubilee

There are many speeches from past pupils and staff recalling their time at St Dominic’s. The casually filmed footage covers part of the four-day 45th reunion at St Dominic’s School for the Deaf, with many speeches from past pupils and staff recalling their time at St Dominic’s.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Yearbook: van Asch Deaf Education Centre, 2016

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: December 1981 (Vol. 19, No. 4)

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Ladies’ ADS Indoor Basketball Team, 1972

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Sports Team: XVI World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch 1989

Margaret Coutts
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton

New Zealand delegates attend CISS meeting

The two New Zealand delegates, John McRae and Margaret Coutts, attend the CISS (Comité International des Sports des Sourds) meeting whilst at the Los Angeles World Games of the Deaf.
Tony Walton
article – Taonga source: Stuff

Uber calls for review of NZTA restrictions on deaf drivers

Government rules restricting deaf and hearing impaired people from driving taxis need reviewing, Uber says. The ride hire app, which connects customers with private drivers, has just released an app with new features designed to help drivers with impaired hearing.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2016 (Vol. 38, No. 1)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Team for deaf games backed

The Auckland Deaf Society has reversed a previous decision and decided to support the team being sent to the Olympic Games for deaf people in Helsinki in August by the Wellington Deaf Sports Club.
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Netball Team, Trans-Tasman Series, 1998

Manawatu Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Adult Deaf Society Table Tennis Team, 1949; Winners N.Z. Deaf Societies Teams Championship Shield

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Susan Thomas

News Review – Montage

A collection of clips from the ‘News Review’ programme 1987-1991.
Susan Thomas
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

van Asch students learn street theatre skills from Mr Moon

After Mr Moon has been teaching Van Asch Deaf Education Centre Deaf students street theatre skills, they watch a performance from the Montreal Street Theatre at the New Zealand Festival in Wellington, in preparation for staging their own live performance.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1968 (Vol. 6, No. 1)

article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

World Deaf Games lost to NZ – but not through Boks

New Zealand was passed over in its bid to host the World Deaf Games in 1985 – but not because of any Springbok tour snub, prominent local sports administrator, Mr Alan Barrett, believes.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Social and Sports Executive Committee, 1981-1982

Auckland Deaf Society
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Est. 1922

Deaf Society of Canterbury

The Deaf Society of Canterbury is New Zealand’s oldest Deaf Club, established on 26 April 1922. Originally Christchurch Deaf Club, later changed to Christchurch Deaf Society, and to Deaf Society of Canterbury as it is known today, it has provided the inspiration for the establishment of other Deaf Clubs around New Zealand.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

A montage of St Dominic’s Christmas Picnics between 1955 and 1965

Footage from 1955 – 1965 during the annual Christmas Picnics held by St Dominic’s School for the Deaf in Island Bay. In New Zealand fashion, Santa arrives on horseback, bringing presents to the pupils who all take turns riding the horse!
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, 2004

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Wellington Deaf Basketball Team, New Zealand Deaf Games 1991

Clive Morgan
article – Taonga source: Kōkiri Magazine

Māori Deaf Gather

Last year on Queen’s Birthday weekend, Hamilton man Hemi Hema was honoured for his tireless work advocating for opportunities for Māori Deaf. This Queen’s Birthday weekend he was showing that his great work continues – facilitating a hui for Māori Deaf from throughout Aotearoa aimed at focusing on new beginnings for their community.
Kōkiri Magazine
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Trying to keep St Dominics

An attempt is being made to keep the St Dominics complex - the house, hostel wind and teaching facilities - as a Feilding-owned business or trust.
article – Taonga source: Stuff

Aotearoa’s first Deaf marae celebrates 30 years of empowering Turi Māori

Friday marks 30 years since the opening of the country’s first marae for Deaf and hard of hearing Māori. Since 1992, Rūaumoko Marae, in West Auckland’s Kelston, has been a place where Deaf students can learn about te ao Māori.
article – Taonga source: Waikato Times

Masks causing issues for deaf Waikato man

Wearing a face mask is meant to help slow the spread of Covid-19. But for Tokoroa’s Roger Drower, who is partially deaf, they’ve left him feeling discriminated and isolated.
Waikato Times
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

Ingenuity puts them in the picture

Problems for photographers come in many forms. A prize-winning Christchurch photographer, Dick Poole, had his special worries at the World Games for the Deaf on Saturday. He used several methods to get the look he wanted – a little help from an interpreter, a little push and pull and a few signs.
video – Taonga source: Owen Gibbons

Socialising at Labour Weekend Wellington 1954

Athletes and spectators take a day out from the sporting competition to have fun in Wellington, 1954.
Owen Gibbons
article – Taonga source: NZ Listener

That’s the way we sign it

For most of the week, the deaf in New Zealand are shut off from the television communication the rest of us take for granted. But for half an hour each Sunday, they can join the rest of the world, through a special programme called News Review.
article – Taonga source: The Daily News

Deaf protest TV licences

Fifty deaf people registered a silent protest outside the Auckland Magistrate’s Court yesterday about what they say is the subtle discrimination of New Zealand against deaf people.
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Celebrations at the St Dominic’s Golden Jubilee

Footage from the 50th Jubilee of St Dominic’s School for the Deaf, with over 200 people attending a weekend of festivities at the Fielding Racecourse during the Anzac Weekend of April 1995.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: The Press

World Games for the Deaf: Saturday 14 January 1989

A full page update from The Press, on the results from the World Games for the Deaf - Saturday 14 January. Smith smashes record; Medal prospects; Basketball chance; Fast Swimming; Close tennis final.
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Deaf and Blind: Being Me Heather

Fifty-nine-year-old Heather Lawson is deaf and blind. She's been through periods of extreme loneliness and isolation, but by becoming independent through orientation and mobility training has helped her to be heard in a world she once felt she wasn’t part of.
Attitude Pictures
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Spring 1997

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Group Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Christchurch Deaf Convention Tour Party, 1968

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Bob Scott Memorial Shield (Badminton), 1980

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Additions To School For The Deaf: Opened At Fielding By Archbishop McKeefry

A great step forward in what is a unique work of Christian charity and education in New Zealand was taken last Sunday, November 28, with its opening. The additions to the school consist of a splendid new block providing classrooms and dormitories.
Object – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Signed Rugby Ball: Central Zone Deaf Rugby, 2011

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Society Netball, 1986

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Education: The Next Level

Spelling it out for deaf people

Three Christchurch College of Computing Students have joined forces to create material to help the Deaf and hearing impaired, as part of their NCEA Level 3 technology studies.
Rūaumoko Komiti – Turi Māori
Rūaumoko Komiti – Turi Māori
Rūaumoko Komiti – Turi Māori
Est. 1992

Rūaumoko Komiti – Turi Māori

Tihei mauri ora! Turi Māori are here! SignDNA is proud to present the Turi Māori collection of historic video taonga. The majority of the content of the Turi Māori collection was donated by the Rūaumoko Komiti, with invaluable footage of wānanga, hikoi, and other important korero.
Rūaumoko Komiti
video – Taonga source: Rūaumoko Komiti

Being Māori Deaf: Interview with Patrick Thompson

Raw footage of an interview with Patrick Thompson attempting to connect with a Māori culture he was denied growing up. Patrick provides a voice for Māori Deaf, to grow understanding about the challenges they face, and to promote the importance of NZSL.
Rūaumoko Komiti
article – Taonga source: Unknown

A silence full of sounds

Wellington actor Miranda Harcourt who plays Sarah in Children of a Lesser God, understands her character's sentiments. She spent eight months learning sign language before the play opened at Dunedin's Fourtune Theatre in October.
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Te Aro Deaf students featured in ‘The Video Dispatch’

Heather Campbell, a Teacher of the Deaf, talks about the need for Deaf children and their families to have access to language early in life. This episode screened during Deaf Awareness Week in 1986.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

‘News Review’ puts a spotlight on the New Zealand Deaf Games in Christchurch over the weekend of 23 – 26 October 1987

The 32nd New Zealand Games for the Deaf is featured on News Review, covering athletics, basketball, table tennis, lawn bowls and netball. The question, ‘Why have a Deaf Games?’ is put forward to competitors and officials! Footage also features the much appreciated ‘Canterbury Duck’ that Deaf kids had requested more of!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Wellington Deaf Basketball Team, 2nd NZ Deaf Basketball Championship, Wellington 1999

Clive Morgan
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball Club, Teams B and A, 1983

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, 1995

Manawatu Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Deaf Indoor Netball Team, Northern A, 2003

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Mary Johnson

Memories of Kathleen French

Kathleen French was often called the ‘Auckland Deaf Grandmother’ due to her long and pioneering life in the Auckland Deaf Community. In this video Kathleen talks about her colourful life and talks us through some photos at the end.
Mary Johnson
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Titirangi School for the Deaf students picnic at Motuihe Island

Boarding students at Titirangi School for the Deaf are treated to a day out to Motihue Island (Te Motu-a-Ihenga) in the Hauraki Gulf, 17 kilometres from downtown Auckland.
Susan Hamilton
video – Taonga source: Shona McGhie

ADS Basketball Club 50th Jubilee

The Auckland Deaf Society Basketball Club celebrate their ‘Golden’ Anniversary, their 50th anniversary, at the ADS Balmoral clubrooms where people share their memories of being involved in the basketball club.
Shona McGhie
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Good signs

The Wellington Association for Deaf Children camp at the Silverstream Retreat at the weekend let families immerse themselves in "deaf culture".
video – Taonga source: Allan Richardson

Central Deaf Youth Camp 1995

The Central Deaf Youth Camp, as organised by FYD at Palm Grove, Paraparaumu, May 1995.
Allan Richardson
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Deaf Rugby Team: Part Two

Leading into the biggest competition of the year, we get to know more about some of the players in the Marlins, Auckland’s Deaf Rugby team; Opeti the family man, Talia the bodybuilder, Sailusi who wants a job and David who is a first-time dad.
Attitude Pictures
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Athletics, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1975

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Sign Singers perform at Dunedin Deaf Club

The Sign Singers perform at the Dunedin Deaf Club in front of Deaf members and their friends.
Dulcie McKie
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Young girl learns sign language

Twenty-year-old architectural technology student Amanda Cameron can’t help but smile since she’s learnt NZSL.
Attitude Pictures
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

New Zealand’s first bilingual deaf unit

New Zealand's first official "bilingual" deaf unit attached to a primary school will be opened next week. The unit teaches both NZSL and English. Mr Buchanan, who will head the unit, is one of six deaf teachers teaching the deaf in New Zealand.
Early 2000s
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society Clubroom Mural: Painted by Shaun Fahey

Wellington Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Magazine: van Asch Deaf Education Centre, 1998

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
article – Taonga source: Unknown

People pay to shut councillors up

Wellington City councillors, renowned for their verbal spats, were staying strangely quiet this morning. As part of Shut Up Day, run by the Deaf Association of New Zealand, the Mayor and councillors were reduced to talking in sign language between 8am and midday.
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Cricket 1994 – 1995

Clive Morgan
article – Taonga source: NZPA

Teacher Of Deaf Dies, Aged 64

The principal of the School for the Deaf, Sumner, died in Christchurch today after a short illness. Herbert Pickering was 64 years old.
video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand

Tiki Taane: No Place Like Home in NZSL

A sign-singing version of Bay of Plenty musician Tiki Taane's song ‘No Place Like Home' featured on television and online to mark NZSL Week 2018. It was made from flash mob events held in Wellington, Mount Maunganui and Christchurch in March. Participants in Mount Maunganui joined Tiki in person to sign-sing his latest song.
Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Dramatic Club, 1977-78

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Women’s Club gathering at Armagh Street

A day inside for the Christchurch Deaf Women's Club at Armagh Street, with cakes, jewellery and clothes for sale!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: September 1990 (Vol. 4, No. 3)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

The modern NZSL dictionary is launched

The modern dictionary of New Zealand Sign Language has been launched, and the 'Tonight' crew visit Kelston Deaf Education Centre to see Deaf students and their NZSL tutors making good use of the resource.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Auckland’s ‘Deaf Grandmother’ celebrates her 90th at ADS!

Kathleen French, Auckland’s ‘Deaf Grandmother’ and a life member of Auckland Deaf Society celebrates her 90th birthday party at the Balmoral clubroom on 24 May 2003 with approximately 140 people attending.
Dorothy Jones
article – Taonga source: NZPA

Games Open In Bright Display

A crowd of 4000 cheered and waved as about 1400 athletes and officials resplendent in national colours marched into the stadium as a reminder that the first World Games for the Deaf were held in Paris in 1924.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Sign language boost

Research on the complex sign language that deaf New Zealanders have created could push education authorities to recognise the language's authenticity. It has taken an American linguist to document the distinctive language.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Summer 1998

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Jersey: Central Districts Deaf Rugby League

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

New ideas from London course on teaching

Rebecca was recently chosen, aong with seven other deaf New Zealanders, to attend a two-week training course in London to learn the basic concepts of teaching sign language.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf find unfair hearings in court

Deaf people have had unfair trials through lack of interpreters telling them what is happening in courts.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1966-67 (Vol. 4, No. 2)

article – Taonga source: Stuff

Treated like a criminal’: Deaf traveller’s ‘terrible experience’ returning to New Zealand

A Deaf woman is calling for airlines and airports to better equip staff to communicate with Deaf and Hard of Hearing travellers after a “terrible experience” returning to New Zealand from Rarotonga that made her feel she was being “treated like a criminal”.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

PM hints at climbing rules

The Government would have to consider regulations covering climbing if the mountaineering community makes an issue out of his action in evacuating seven Japanese climbers from Mt Cook, the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Muldoon, indicated today.
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Canterbury Annual Deaf Picnic 1977

Members of the Canterbury Deaf community make for a picnic on a lovely day, with tug-o-war and running races.
Dennis Tod
publication – Taonga source: Unknown

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: April 2009

article – Taonga source: NZ Herald.

Mean thieves drive off in deaf couple’s van

A deaf couple are appealing to the public for help after the family's van was stolen from outside their home. Mita Moses and Kathy Strongman want their vehicle back so they can carry on providing a normal life for their family of four children.
NZ Herald.
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Netball Club, 1985

Manawatu Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2013 (Vol. 35, No. 1)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Winter 1997

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: December 1980 (Vol. 3, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Stuff

Deaf Auckland University student left alone during fire drill

A deaf student has been left feeling hurt after he was cast aside and forgotten about following a fire drill in a university building. Had it been a proper fire emergency, he would have been in serious danger, he said and wanted to see strobe light alarms installed.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: March 1991 (Vol. 5, No. 1)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Northern Sports Team 2002, Winners of the Aotearoa Turi Shield

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

National Sports Convention for the Deaf in Auckland 1984

Jane Dent reports on the National Sports Convention for the Deaf held in Auckland during Labour Weekend in 1984. The footage screened on the 6:30pm news on Saturday 20 October 1984.
Television New Zealand Archive
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Money woes hit Deaf Games bid

The New Zealand team to compete in the World Deaf Games in West Germany later this month is $10,000 short of funds. The 20-strong team is due to buy its air travel tickets and is faced with having to borrow the deficit.

Noeline ‘Patty’ Still (MNZM)

Patty, born 1932, received the M.N.Z.M in 2003 for her involvement in many activities and initiatives within the Deaf community. Patty was recognised for her efforts in promoting NZSL through her teaching of NZSL, and her work raising public awareness via her performances with the Christchurch Silent Singers group.
video – Taonga source: Kevin and Lynette Pivac

Māori & Pacific Island Deaf play against Japan Deaf Rugby XV

TVNZ’s Marae programme features the friendly game between Deaf Māori & Pacific Island Invitational XV and the Japan Deaf Rugby team. It includes the pre-match team talk with coach Richard Peri, karakia from kaumatua Ivan Tamepo, and discussions with assistant Togia Lanefale. It concludes with highlights of the match which was closely fought but finally won by Japan 20-17.
Kevin and Lynette Pivac
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: September 2009

Auckland Deaf Society
Featured Story
Community Life and Places

Aotearoa New Zealand Deaf History: Classroom lesson plans

SignDNA has created six lesson plans that can guide learners through some themes within the archive, such as language change, Deaf gatherings, and Deaf in the media.
article – Taonga source: The Northern Advocate

Rugby: Kaikohe’s Mihaka Lemon heading on NZ Deaf Blacks tour

Mihaka Lemon is ready to pull on the black jersey as he heads aboard a plane to England for the first time. The 29-year-old will play for the New Zealand Deaf Blacks on their English tour.
The Northern Advocate
video – Taonga source: Meghan Coppage

Memories of Susan Hamilton

Susan Hamilton is interviewed by Meghan Coppage, where she recounts a range of experiences from her life. From growing up at a Deaf school, to her memories of time in the Deaf community in bygone days, to seeing the changes at Kelston Deaf Education Centre including the transition to new school building.
Meghan Coppage
video – Taonga source: Archives New Zealand

National Film Unit visits Sumner School for the Deaf – 75th Jubilee

The National Film Unit visits Sumner School for the Deaf to report on progress in the education of deaf children and to check out the school's 75th Jubilee celebrations.
Archives New Zealand
video – Taonga source: New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters

Te Tiriti o Waitangi in New Zealand Sign Language

This resource was created for the Treaty Times Thirty project, an initative by the New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters to translate New Zealand’s founding document, Te Tiriti of Waitangi into 30 different languages.
New Zealand Society of Translators and Interpreters
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Spot On interview of Deaf actor in ‘Strangers’

'Strangers' was a TVNZ-produced drama series for children, with one Deaf character played by 7-year-old Sonia Pivac. Reporter Phil Keoghan, from ‘Spot On’, interviews Sonia about being the only Deaf actor in the drama.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: September 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf Rugby

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Rugby Union Representatives 1997

New Zealand Deaf Rugby
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

‘Deaf Book’: First NZSL dictionary makes it to print

Dan Levitt’s work on the first NZSL dictionary in 1985 popularised the name, ‘New Zealand Sign Language’. In this news segment, Dan describes the different between the English Signing System and NZSL.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa

NZAD Newsletter, November 1993

Jennifer Brain, the President of the New Zealand Association of the Deaf (NZAD) presents their monthly newsletter in NZSL.
Deaf Aotearoa
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Sign Singers: ‘I Hear Your Hand’

The Sign Singers perform the song 'I Hear Your Hand' for the Stars on Sunday programme.
Dulcie McKie
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: August 1986 (Vol. 9, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1960

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Yearbook: van Asch College, 1994

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Basketball Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1964

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Western Leader

Julie-Anne’s a Winner

Julie-Anne is the new Miss Deaf New Zealand. Coming second-runner up in the Miss Auckland Deaf competition, saw her go through to Miss New Zealand.
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: June 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: January 1983 (Vol. 20, No. 1)

publication – Taonga source: Oticon Foundation

Soundscape: November 2000

Oticon Foundation
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Wellington/Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, 2001

Clive Morgan
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ex-pupils visit the old St Dominic’s school in Feilding

A tour of the old St Dominic’s school grounds in Feilding as part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations in April 1994. Ex-pupils explore the old school grounds and reminisce about their time here.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, 22nd National Deaf Rugby Championship, 2015

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
video – Taonga source: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Laying foundations at Auckland Deaf Welfare Centre

A group of Deaf men busily work on laying the foundations for the new Auckland Deaf Welfare Centre, later to become the property of the Auckland Deaf Society.
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision


Documentaries are a powerful tool for drawing attention to a particular issue, explaining a significant time in history, or celebrating an achievement. Special mention should go to Joan Bailey, who pioneered Deaf documentary making in New Zealand, and whose work you can view in this section.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Northern Sports Team, Indoor Netball, 2002

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Second medal for N.Z.

New Zealand gained its second medal when Michael Lynch came in third in the men's 100m butterfly last night. If it had not been for a misjudged approach to the electronic touch pad, Lynch would probably would have earned a silver medal.
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

‘Nothing to See’ – David Molloy

David Molloy, a Deaf priest based in Palmerston North, talks about his life in the church and his second collection of poems in ‘Nothing to See’, published in 1997.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: Easter 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 1)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post


An update from the World Deaf Games in Los Angeles, where Carolyn Hamlin and Janet Watt (New Zealand) beat Pam Croskery and Penelope Went (New Zealand) in badminton doubles.
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Christchurch 1979 – Netball

Coverage of the Netball tournament at the NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Christchurch 1979.
Dennis Tod
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Four days of festivities at St Dominic’s 45th Jubilee

Footage of the St Dominic’s four-day 45th reunion depicts the cutting of the cake, friends, classmates and family catching up over a picnic on the lawn of the school grounds.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2011 (Vol. 33, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Northern Sports Team, Lawn Bowls, 2002

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Sign Singers at Telethon 1981

The popular Sign Singers are the first act to perform at the 1981 Telethon Live at the Auckland Town Hall.
Dulcie McKie
article – Taonga source: Timaru Herald

Deaf call for more interpreters

Christchurch's devastating earthquakes changed the lives of many people. Timaru couple Julie Nielson and Paul O'Donnell could finally turn off their television subtitles thanks to the sign language interpreters who stood beside Christchurch mayor Bob Parker as he addressed the public on a daily basis.
Timaru Herald
video – Taonga source: Sue Williams

The Remand of Ivan Curry

A documentary outlining the case of Ivan Curry who, in 1988, was arrested and tried for the murder of his baby nephew. The documentary explores the case and in particular the plight of Ivan Curry who was remanded without bail for 15 months awaiting trial, as well as the difficulty Deaf people face navigating the justice system.
Sue Williams
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Lower Hutt 1977

Coverage of the Labour Weekend NZ Deaf Sports Convention at Lower Hutt, Wellington in 1977.
Dennis Tod
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Table Tennis Representatives, 1985

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Rūaumoko Komiti

Patrick Thompson’s ‘Te Hēteri’ interview – unedited footage

Unedited footage of Patrick Thompson’s ‘Te Hēteri’ interview at the famed Star Sign Cafe on Auckland’s Dominion Road in 2004.
Rūaumoko Komiti
Est. 1990
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Rugby League: Most Improved Player

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Christchurch Basketball and Netball teams leave for Greymouth

The Christchurch Deaf Mens Basketball team travel to Greymouth, accompanied by the Deaf netball team.
Dennis Tod
article – Taonga source: Stuff

St Theresa’s School sets example for NZSL friendly schools

A Porirua school is being heralded as a great example of inclusive education. St Theresa's School in Plimmerton is the focus of a new short documentary by van Asch Deaf Education Centre, which will be used as a resource to show how to effectively integrate deaf education and culture into schools.
Est. 1994
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Central Region Deaf Interclub Trophy

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Dunedin vs Christchurch: Indoor Bowls at Christchurch Deaf Club

Dunedin and Christchurch battle it out at the Christchurch Deaf Club’s Armagh Street hall during winter where the mountain ranges around Christchurch are covered with snow!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Telethon 1985

The Sign Singers perform ‘You’re My Sunshine’ at the 1985 Telethon.
Dulcie McKie
Featured Story
Community Life and Places

The Sign Singing Superstars

Throughout the early 1980s, the New Zealand Deaf community created two sign singing supergroups: The Sign Singers from Auckland, and The Silent Singers from Christchurch. These two groups pioneered Sign Singing as an art form and gained considerable public admiration for their efforts. Both groups made appearances on national Telethon events, and the Auckland group also were regulars on the Stars on Sunday programme, making more appearances than any other single group.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: September 1993

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Understand the Silence: A Silent Documentary about the Silent World of Deafness

This documentary was filmed and edited by Joan Bailey and released in 1976. It covers the preparation and running of the St Dominics Gala Day, as well as Manawatu Deaf Club picnics, and the Manawatu Womens Group.
Manawatu Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Football Union, Winners of First Fifteen National Championship, April 1994

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
video – Taonga source: Tony Clews

First Deaf rugby league game between Australia and New Zealand in Sydney

Historic first rugby league game between New Zealand and Australia, which took place in Sydney 1988 (Henson Park, Newton). Australia won 16–6.
Tony Clews
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Soccer win to Australia

New Zealand showed how much it has improved in the soccer tournament at the World Games for the Deaf when it took two goals in the last 5 min by Australia to beat it in the play-off for ninth place at English Park today.
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Extended version: Te Pakanga o Whau performs at the opening ceremony of Kelston

The opening of Kelston on a site in Archibald Road featured the infamous ‘Te Pakanga o Whau’ (The Battle of Whau) in 1959 where 86 deaf students acted in an outside play featuring a Māori-Pakeha battle near a big gum tree field.
Susan Hamilton
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Sign Singers: ‘Harmony’

The Sign Singers perform 'Harmony' broadcast on Stars on Sunday in February 1983. They are introduced in sign language, in one of the first examples of a non-Deaf person signing on prime time television.
Dulcie McKie
Est. 1975
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Nelson Fairbrother Memorial: Wellington Deaf Society Indoor Bowls, Singles

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

New Zealand Police Commissioner considers Deaf access to justice

Two weeks after 'The Remand of Ivan Curry' screens on TV1, Police Commissioner John Jamieson meets with Jennifer Brain to work out better procedures for dealing with Deaf people in custody.
Television New Zealand Archive
Est. 1994
Object – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

New Zealand Deaf Rugby Football Union Inc: National Deaf Zonal Championships

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowling Club, Easter 1978

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowls Club, Easter 1988

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

38th New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, Labour Weekend 1995

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

3rd National Deaf Youth Camp, 2008

The Wellington Deaf Youth Group organizes the 3rd National Deaf Youth Camp – a five-day camp in Hastings. The theme of the camp is UNITY.
Wellington Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Oticon Foundation

Soundscape: March 2013

Oticon Foundation
video – Taonga source: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

NZ Deaf Sports Convention 1955 – Christchurch

NZ Deaf Sports Convention is held at Rugby Park, Christchurch in 1955.
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

School Magazine: van Asch College, 1992

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

A Deafening Silence

A ‘Frontline’ documentary that touches upon an on-going topic - Deaf Education - in the Deaf community, not only in New Zealand but worldwide as well. In 2019, the message remains as familiar as it was twenty-five years ago.
Television New Zealand Archive
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Society, New Zealand Games for the Deaf Inter-Club Competitions at Porirua, October 1995

Manawatu Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

School Magazine: van Asch College, 1993

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: May 1980 (Vol. 17, No. 4)

video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Amateur footage: Inaugural Deaf Rugby World Championship

A snapshot of the inaugural 2002 Deaf Rugby World Championships held in Auckland, briefly touching on official matches, friendly games, and two social evenings at Auckland Deaf Club, with speeches galore!
Dorothy Jones
video – Taonga source: Rūaumoko Komiti

The Māori Deaf world: Interviews with Whiti Ronaki, Stephanie Awheto and Michael Wi

This raw, edited footage consists of interviews with Whiti Ronaki, Michael Wi and Stephanie Awheto - a trilingual interpreter, on topics relevant in the Māori Deaf world.
Rūaumoko Komiti
article – Taonga source: The Press

World Games for the Deaf: Tuesday 10 January 1989

A full page update from The Press, on the results from the World Games for the Deaf - Tuesday 10 January. Wrestlers impress; Soviets scoop six gold medals; Finalnd polished volleyball team; Americans upset; Japan succeeds in table tennis; Britain's Lee steals swimming limelight; Americans upset.
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Annual Picnic at Orewa Beach 1952

Auckland Deaf Adult Society’s annual picnic takes place north of Orewa beach.
Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: NZ Herald

Good sign for the deaf

A course to train professional interpreters for the deaf, now being run in Auckland, is the first of its kind in New Zealand.
article – Taonga source: The Northern Advocate

‘Here I can be myself’: Language Days a boost for Northland’s deaf and hard-of-hearing children

“Here I can be myself.” That’s how 17-year-old Northlander Naomi Ngawati sums up the Language Days (organised by Ko Taku Reo) she’s been attending since she was a child.
The Northern Advocate
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2013 (Vol. 35, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball Club, Grade A, 1981

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

All the world is a stage – for the deaf, too

“Speaking hands, hearing eyes” is the title of an Australian folk song about the deaf. It is also the dictum by which Anne Tweedie lives and why she has started a Theatre for the Deaf.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Van Asch parents upset at idea of role change

The deaf community in Christchurch is appealing for van Asch College to remain a special school for deaf children, after some parents in Sumner and Redcliffs have suggested it become a secondary school.
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Washington Xth International Silent Games

The New Zealand team attending the 10th World Deaf Games in Washington, USA, 1965.
Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Ten Pin Bowling, October 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Ten Pin Bowling, 1998

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Children New Zealand

NZSL and Us: Diamond Johnson, Hamilton

Diamond is a bubbly and active little girl who loves a challenge. Her whānau embraces all three of New Zealand’s languages: English, Te Reo Māori and NZSL. Her mother is determined to improve her NZSL by attending sign language classes so she that she will be able to communicate with Diamond fully as she grows up. Her whānau has a strong commitment to ensure Diamond is exposed to as much NZSL as possible including access to Deaf role models.
Deaf Children New Zealand
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: Winter 1984 (Vol. 7, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Unknown

N.Z. wrestler wins 2 medals

Auckland welterweight wrestler John McRae captured a silver medla and a bronze at the Olympic Games for the Deaf in Helenski.
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

NZSL Tutors attend an intensive City Lit Training course in London

In the history of NZSL teaching, perhaps the most important development was when 8 NZSL tutors attended a two-week intensive teaching course in London in 1991. Watch this condensed version (taking from almost 29 hours of footage!) to get a sense of what the training was like.
Dorothy Jones

Jennifer Brain (QSM)

Jennifer received the Queens Service Medal in 2007 for services to the New Zealand Deaf Community. She was well known for her leadership with the New Zealand Association for the Deaf. Jennifer became the first Deaf Leadership Tutor promoting community and Deaf youth leadership, before becoming the first Deaf Chief Executive Officer in 1999. Through her work, Jennifer was ahead of her time with the strategic planning of many Deaf community projects including Deaf awareness and Deaf leadership.
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Driver training for Deaf students

Two traffic officers visit Kelston to teach older Deaf students the drivers road code.
Susan Hamilton
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf petition to Telecom

Poor access to emergency services for the deaf could result in a death unless some action is taken soon, say advocates for the deaf. A petition has just been launched to ask Telecom to provide a relay service for that deaf people can call for help.
article – Taonga source: Nelson Mail.

Alarm at cuts in support services for Nelson deaf community

Members of Nelson's deaf community say cutbacks in support services from Deaf Aotearoa have left them without access to crucial interpreting help, leaving some in vulnerable situations.
Nelson Mail.
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

First NZ sign language dictionary

'Wellington' and 'All Black' are just two of hundreds of familiar Kiwi terms – such as Milo, Weetbix, pakeha, Maori and marae – described in A Dictionary of New Zealand Sign Language to ve released next week.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Inaugural Indoor Basketball Match Between N.Z. Deaf Teams – Auckland v Wellington, 1950

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2013 (Vol. 35, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Outreach Drama Workshop

Written and directed by Kelston School for Deaf Children Standard 3 students, the play depicts a girl's nightmare in which she is abducted by aliens and encounters witches, Frankenstein's Monster and various other creatures.
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: March 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Singlet: Wellington Society for the Deaf (WSD) basketball, 1950

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

The Silent Olympics

The team of 17 deaf athletes are farewelled at Kelston School for the Deaf, with official team photos, before leaving for the 10th International Games for the Deaf at Washington D.C.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: December 1988 (Vol. 11, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1971 (Vol. 8, No. 3)

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowling Club, 1979

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: April 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Winter 1999

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: March 1992

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Netball Club, 1995

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Palmerston North Diocesan News

We See What You Mean – St Dominic’s past in print

A history of St Dominic's School for the Deaf was launched in March in Feilding and Auckland. 'We See What You Mean' has been the culmination of many years' work by author Dorothy Pilkington and the school's History Society Committee.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Indoor Bowls Trophy To Auckland

The Auckland indoor bowls team which beat Northland for the 'Ranfurly Shield of indoor bowls'.
video – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society: Welcome Home Party!

Wellington Deaf Society finally has a new home, a new Deaf Club! A formal opening on Saturday 24 April 2021 to celebrate its new building since selling its Marion Street building in 2015.
Wellington Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sport Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1969

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Marcia: Two Sides Of Me

On the Roller Derby court she's the revered 'Meat Train', but Marcia is starting to lose her hearing. She finds Deafness a scary prospect, yet must face her new identity.
Attitude Pictures
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Key ring: Wellington Deaf Society 50 Years, 1938-1988

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Stuff

Signing avatar could help Deaf Kiwis order at fast food drive-throughs

Arash Tayebi’s idea to develop sign language avatar technology is personal. And while Kara Technologies is still in the pilot stage, Tayebi hopes the technology will become easier to access as 24/7 teachers or in emergencies.
article – Taonga source: NZ Herald.

Whaikaha the first ministry with a name in all of NZ’s official languages

Whaikaha – Ministry of Disabled People has become the first and only government ministry with a name in all three of New Zealand’s official languages.
NZ Herald.
video – Taonga source: Archives New Zealand

National Film Unit visits St Dominics School for the Deaf

The Government’s National Film Unit follows the City District Health Nurse as she visits students at St Dominic’s School for the Deaf.
Archives New Zealand
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Picnic at Orewa Beach

Deaf people get together at John and Verna McRae’s place before heading to Orewa, Auckland for the Annual ADS Picnic.
Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Winter 1998

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Social Evening: Wrapping up the 32nd NZ Games for the Deaf

The 32nd New Zealand Games for the Deaf wrapped up with a presentation dinner-and-dance evening at Addington Raceway’s ‘Twiggers’ on Sunday 25th October 1987. A jam-packed evening with plenty of talking, sitting down, a buffet meal, dancing to live music, and group photos, with the venue closing 1.30am!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Yearbook: van Asch College, 1987

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
article – Taonga source: NZ Woman’s Weekly

They’re naturals for the part

A production this month of the play Children of a Lesser God in Auckland will feature two deaf actors, Bryan Williams and Sheila Gibbons. And the starring role will be played, for the second time, by Gloss actress Miranda Harcourt.
Est. 1989
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Best Batting of the Year: Central District Deaf Cricket Club

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Parent’s Day at Kelston School for the Deaf (1959)

Annual Parent’s Day at Kelston School for the Deaf, with rides (horses, fire tank and alike!), performances and end-of-year prizes.
Susan Hamilton
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball Club visits Hokitika, June 1976

The Christchurch Deaf Club basketball team plays a match in Hokitika in June 1976 versus a hearing team. Geoff Harker’s arm injury is a hot topic of discussion that weekend!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
article – Taonga source: AID Magazine

Deaf field officers – their disability is their qualification

In the past 18 months, the NZAD has opened field offices in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington, and hopes soon to establish two more in Nelson and Dunedin.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Spring 1998

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Mary Johnson

St Dominic School for the Deaf, Fielding: First Reunion, 1965

St Dominics School for the Deaf in Fielding celebrates their first school reunion in 1965. The reunion was one year after the school had relocated to Fielding from Wellington.
Mary Johnson
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Te Pakanga O Whau – The Battle of Whau: Drama by Kelston School for the Deaf

The Battle of Whau: a drama by Kelston Deaf students for the opening ceremony of Kelston School for the Deaf, 7th November 1959.
Auckland Deaf Society
NZSL story – Taonga source: John Hunt

Establishing the ‘NZ Deaf News’ in 1962

John Hunt's involvement with NZ Deaf News spanned 23 years. Upon moving to New Zealand in 1962, he was surprised to find out that there was no NZ Deaf News at a time where radio and TV (which was inaccessible for Deaf people) were one of the main medium of news. He established the NZ Deaf News publication with a group of 10 people. The first issue was only 8 pages and with donations, the next one was 16 pages. It grew exponentially and was the place to go for Deaf-related news.
John Hunt
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Dramatic Club, 1980-81

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: September 1980 (Vol. 3, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Bay of Plenty Times

Deaf couple use sign language to organise building a new house

A new house build can be a challenging time for a young couple. But Gregory and Victoria Lessing are also deaf, and undertook a house build from scratch using NZSL.
Bay of Plenty Times
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

New Zealanders at the World Deaf Games in Köln

Footage of the World Deaf Games in Köln, of New Zealanders in action. Two New Zealand athletes won medals at the games.
Manawatu Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union 2003, Winner of 4th National Women Deaf Sevens Tournament, Dunedin

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
video – Taonga source: Archives New Zealand

Kelston School for the Deaf students treated to a trip to Mt Ruapehu

Students from Kelston School for the Deaf enjoy a two-day trip to a snowy Mt Ruapehu.
Archives New Zealand
article – Taonga source: Western Leader.

Milestone in deaf education

A multimillion dollar education centre is helping deaf students communicate. More than 400 people attended the opening of the Kelston Deaf Education Centre (KDEC) rebuild on February 28, 2017.
Western Leader.
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: June 1989

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Memories of Marlene Rush

Marlene Rush was the 20th Deaf student to enrol at St Dominics School for the Deaf in 1946. Marlene looks back on her life and involvement with the Deaf community.
Dorothy Jones
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

Deaf All Whites crushed 18-0

The New Zealand team found itself out of its depth in the World Deaf Games soccer tournament, being crushed 18-0 by Netherlands in its opening match on Saturday night at Queen Elizabeth II Park.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Basketball “B” Team, 1964

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Drug-testing at Games

Athletes at the sixteenth World Deaf Games will be randomly tested for drug use. Athletes to be tested would be selected before events by the executive of the Committee of the International Silent Sports (CISS).
article – Taonga source: The Press

Twelve sports form busy programme

A summary of each sport featuring in the upcoming VXI World Deaf Games in Christchurch – soccer, table tennis, volleyball, basketball, handball, track and field, wrestling, cycling, swimming and badminton, with New Zealand contenders for medals.
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Total Communications camp, shown on ‘The South Tonight’

New Zealand's first total communications camp for Deaf children takes place in Tautuku, South Otago.
Television New Zealand Archive
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Sign of the times

Kirsten, John and Shannon are over the moon at the recognition of New Zealand Sign Language. "It was the best day for the deaf community; it felt awesome to be a part of the process and support it all the way."
article – Taonga source: Central Leader

Deaf singers in song

For the last 15 months, the Independent Theatre of the Deaf has performed in venues all over Auckland as the Deaf Sign Singers.
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Manawatu Deaf Society’s netball team talk about logistics…

Members of the Manawatu Deaf Society’s netball team discuss the running of the team including fundraising and other logistics. This video is a good example of the natural language used during meetings in 1999 and is presented here unedited for this purpose.
Dorothy Jones
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

NZ Deaf Sports Convention Christchurch 1953

The 1953 New New Zealand Deaf Sports Convention is held in Christchurch, with sports, fun, and day trips.
Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Big sporting event on shoestring budget

The Games will be about the same size as the 1974 sporting extravaganza in Christchurch, the Commonwealth Games. Yet it has been orchestrated on a budget of $700,000 – about one-third of the cost of the opening ceremony planned for the 1990 Commonwealth Games in Auckland.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Ten Pin Bowling, October 1993

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa

‘Inside Out’ interviews Hilary McCormack: Deaf education, advocacy and technology

An ‘Inside Out’ interview with Hilary McCormack where she talks about the advent of NZSL in Deaf education, advocacy and changing technology in the New Zealand Deaf community.
Deaf Aotearoa
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: August 1962

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Art of Abbie Twiss

Abbie Twiss, a deaf artist talks about expressing her ideas, thoughts and emotions. She says without art, the world would be a dark and very depressing place.
Attitude Pictures
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowls Club, Easter 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

In full voice

This fascinating book provides insight into a community about which most people are unaware. This is the world of Deaf culture, of Deaf as an identity, not a disability or deficit – Deaf with a capital D.
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Manawatu Deaf Netball: 25th Year Jubilee!

The Manawatu Deaf Netball Club celebrates 25 years of netballing adventures in June 2001 with stories, photos and even a cake!
Dorothy Jones
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, Womens 7-a-side Championship Tournament, 2000

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Society Netball Competition and Labour Weekend, 1981

Manawatu Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: June 1990 (Vol. 4, No. 2)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Cunniffe Memorial Trophy, Indoor Basketball 1977

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: August 2010

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Ivan Curry case has positive spinoff

Some good has resulted from the tragic case of deaf man Ivan Curry who was found not guilty after nearly two years in jail for murder, says the Deaf Association.
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Netball Team, 1985

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton

Auckland gives the New Zealand Deaf team a proper send off!

The New Zealand Deaf team marched on Dominion Road, accompanied by police, with farewell speeches at Auckland Deaf Society before departing for the 15th World Games for the Deaf in Los Angeles.
Tony Walton
video – Taonga source: Hilda Tamepo

Memories of John McRae

John McRae is filmed at his home in Napier where he lived with his wife Verna. John explains some highlights from his life story including his experiences at school, travelling the world for Deaf sports, and his involvement in the Deaf community. The video includes his commentary of various photos and objects in their house.
Hilda Tamepo
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, Hamilton 1980

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf Sports Convention In Wellington Attracts Many Entries

The New Zealand Deaf Amateur Sports Association’s annual convention in Wellington at the weekend has attracted 250 entries from New Zealand and Australia to what is fast becoming a major New Zealand sporting event.
article – Taonga source: The Press

Hearing controversy at Deaf Games

The first big controversy wracked the sixteenth World Games for the Deaf in Christchurch yesterday, when members of the Soviet table tennis team had to take an audio test because of suspicions that they could hear too well.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Winter 1986 (Vol. 22. No. 4)

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowling Club, Easter 1983

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1971 (Vol. 8, No. 2)

video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Wrap-up Christmas party at Deaf Society of Canterbury

Deaf Society of Canterbury on Armagh Street celebrates the end of 1990 with a wrap-up Christmas party, and a few speeches!
Rodney Roberts
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2016 (Vol. 38, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: March 2009

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: March 1996

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Netball Club, 1985

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Sounds or Silence?

In the early 1990s, due to a breakthrough in technology, cochlear implants were starting to become the norm. The Deaf community worldwide viewed cochlear implants as a device that disregarded the need for access to sign language. Others considered such devices a miracle. In 1993, ‘60 Minutes’ investigated this controversial topic in New Zealand.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: March 1988 (Vol. 2, No. 1)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1971 (Vol. 8, No. 4)

article – Taonga source: The Press

World Games for the Deaf: Monday 16 January 1989

A full page update from The Press, on the results from the World Games for the Deaf - Monday 16 January. N.Z. takes silver in marathon; double points for Italians in cycling; Finland retains volleyball title; Japan dominates; German team has full financial support.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Autumn 1989 (Vol. 23. No. 1)

article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Telephones For The Deaf Are Opening Up A New World Of Communication

A revolutionary device which opens up a whole new world for those born deaf is now being demonstrated in Wellington. New Zealand is the only second country in the world to adopt the system so far.
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton

New Zealanders compete in the cycling individual time trial event

New Zealanders, Hayden Costar and John Ooteman compete in the cycling individual time trial event. John won a gold medal in the 35km time trial with 51:10 minutes.
Tony Walton
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: December 2009

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: September 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: June 1984 (Vol. 21, No. 2)

video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Sign Singers: ‘Sailing’

The Sign Singers perform the hit song 'Sailing' broadcast on Stars on Sunday in May 1982. Ian Watkins, introduces the group by saying “…and I’m delighted to welcome back to the programme the deaf sign singers.”
Dulcie McKie
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

‘Real’ sign language studied

Deaf people have evolved a sophisticated language which is little understood by hearing people and is officially ignored, according to American linguist Marianne Collins-Ahlgren.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Teletext helps hard of hearing

Television New Zealand has begun experimental transmission aimed at introducing a new service which will improve viewing enjoyment for the hard of hearing. Called Teletext, it is intended for daily transmission by next year.
Est. 2000
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Tony Walton Sportsperson of the Year

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Shared Benefits at Sumner

Sumner School for Deaf Children has taken an adventurous step by beginning a trial integration of a class of 'hearing' children into the school.
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Windy Hands: June 2016

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Stuff

Deaf Short Film Festival celebrates New Zealand’s deaf talent and culture

Wellington is famous for always having a film festival on, but one coming up this weekend is more than just noise. The Deaf Short Film Festival is held every second year, and has two main parts – the short film competition, and the film festival itself, which is a showcase of the competition entries and a selection of short films made both in New Zealand and overseas.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Badminton Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1968

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1969 (Vol. 6, No. 2)

article – Taonga source: NZ Tablet

Making the Deaf Hear and the Dumb Speak: The Splendid Work of St. Dominic’s School, Wellington.

Two years ago, the New Zealand Dominicians opened a Catholic school for deaf children at 15 Dover Street, Island Bay, Wellington. The article records the impressions of a Wellington journalist who visited the school recently.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1973 (Vol. 10, No. 1)

article – Taonga source: Stuff

Sisters set up deaf cooking class to help deaf people with mental health issues

Two Auckland sisters are helping deaf people living in isolation connect with others through a cooking class. Yolanda Sutton began the cooking class with her deaf sister Natasha Jumelet after they formed the Deaf Wellbeing Society.
article – Taonga source: The Press

Fielding cyclist wins gold for N.Z.

New Zealand's first gold medal was won yesterday by a Fielding cyclist, John Ooteman. Aged 28, Ooteman won the 35km time trial event on the Old West Coast Road ahead of 23 other competitors with a time of 51 min 12.13s.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: September 1982 (Vol. 5, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: May 1989

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa

National Foundation for the Deaf promotional video

National Foundation for the Deaf produce a promotional video explaining their role and the purpose of their member organisations.
Deaf Aotearoa
article – Taonga source: NZ Herald

Hurling abuse at these two fellows is an exercise in sheer futility

Basketball referees Peter Murray and Peter Downie are quite used to being accused of being blind. This they ignore. Accusations of deafness are a different matter.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Sports Convention, Hamilton 1980

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: December 1990 (Vol. 4, No. 4)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Spring/Summer 1999

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Pam and Doug Croskery

Auckland Deaf Men’s Basketball team training

On Auckland’s West Coast, Auckland Deaf basketball men train for the New Zealand Deaf Sports Convention in Wellington 1972.
Pam and Doug Croskery
article – Taonga source: The Press.

Deaf chef Kristofer Jonsson encourages others to break through barriers

Kristofer Jonsson is a calm and quiet chef, never yelling at anyone in the kitchen, and for good reason – he's deaf. "I focus on the visual side – you can look at the colour, where things are browning."
The Press.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Winter 1965 (Vol. 2, No. 4)

publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: October 1994

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
article – Taonga source: NZPA

Fears for deaf climbers

Seven Japanese climbers, members of the Tokyo Deaf and Mute Climbing Society, flew on to Mt Cook yesterday, ignoring warnings of avalanche danger near their base camp.
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Basketball finals pull in the crowds at the NZ Deaf Games, Christchurch 1987

The popular basketball programme was hosted over two days at Cowles Stadium with footage coverage of the Manawatu and Christchurch ladies competing for the Otago Deaf Society Cup, which Manawatu won (19-15). The winner of the Cunliffe Memorial Cup (men’s) went to Christchurch, with the runner up Wellington (63-56).
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: September 1981 (Vol. 18, No. 3)

article – Taonga source: Southland Times

Marae visit highlights challenges the deaf face in connecting with Māori culture

A visit by a group of Southland students to a marae has highlighted the challenges faced by deaf Māori who want to connect with their culture.
Southland Times
Est. 1989
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Central District Deaf Cricket Club: Most Improved Player of the Year

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

People like us – ‘Deaf Education and Technology’

A look into the world of Deaf people, in particular a glimpse into Deaf education at the time, and how technology improves the lives of Deaf people, with Daniel Beech demonstrating the use of a TTY.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: The Auckland Star

They’re shut out-lonely and deaf

Trevor Fear, Auckland's newly-appointed deaf welfare officer talks about his experiences, the deaf community and their needs.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Netball Club, 2001

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

A behind-the-scenes look at the Teletext system

During 'Deafness Awareness Week' in 1995, One Network News runs a news clip that highlights why Teletext is invaluable to the Deaf community. Patreena Bryan shares with us how captions give Deaf people equality.
Television New Zealand Archive
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf Runner Hopes Panel Will Listen

The deaf Lynndale athlete is endeavouring to gain selection for the forth coming Deaf Olympics to be held in Yugoslavia in July.
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Early 1989: News Review of local and world events

News Review segment focusing on New Zealand and world news including the collapse of a New Zealand company ‘Equiticorp’, an accident at a nuclear reactor in USA, Prime Minister David Lange discussing record high unemployment figures, as well as an earthquake in Russia, among other updates.
Rodney Roberts
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Basketball Club, 1992

Manawatu Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: October 1989 (Vol. 11, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Received and Acknowledged Stamp: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Going for gold

New Zealand's Michael Lynch is on target for a gold medal in the 200m butterfly event at the World Games for the Deaf.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: December 1980 (Vol. 17, No. 6)

publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Yearbook: van Asch Deaf Education Centre, 1997

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Fees for hearing dogs irk

Local bodies in the Wellington region are still inconsistent about the reductions they offer in dog registration fees for deaf owners, says the New Zealand Association of the Deaf.
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club picnic at Amberley: Summer 1985

Christchurch Deaf Club hosted its annual picnic at Amberley, north of Christchurch. As usual, there are games aplenty, with the Amberley swimming pool a perfect location to cool off.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
article – Taonga source: The Press

Goodbye Christchurch, Hello Sofia

The sixteenth World Games for the Deaf wraps up on 18 January 1989, with the next hosts being Sofia, Bulgaria. Members of the New Zealand team perform a farewell haka for their overseas visitors.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, Winners of Oxspring Shield (Athletics), 1982

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 2011
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society Poker Championship

Wellington Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf Rugby

Team Photo: Northern vs Southern Deaf XV, Southern Deaf XV Team, 1991

New Zealand Deaf Rugby
publication – Taonga source: Shona McGhie

VXIth World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch: 7-17 January 1989

Shona McGhie
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Let the battle begin! Wellington vs Auckland Deaf rugby league at Lower Hutt

The Wellington Deaf rugby league team host their Auckland rivals in Lower Hutt. The match was closely fought!
Rodney Roberts
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Eunike Mose, Pasifika Deaf student

Eunike Mose, a profoundly deaf Samoan high school student, and her mother Heather, talk about the challenges of being Deaf, particularly in relation to the family’s Pasifika heritage, and education.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Memories of Jean Monk

Memories of Jean Monk (nee Robertson) who was a Sumner School for the Deaf student in the 1920s. Students weren’t allowed to sign but could “move their arms around a bit”.
Dorothy Jones
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Ten Pin Bowling, October 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Handheld footage of the closing ceremony of the 16th World Games for the Deaf

Handheld footage from the stadium shows the closing ceremony of the 16th World Games for the Deaf held in Christchurch. Athletes parade into the stadium to witness closing speeches with their family and fans looking on.
Rodney Roberts
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton

Engine issue delays the New Zealand team’s journey to Los Angeles

Narrated by Tony Walton, the New Zealand team’s plans are disrupted two hours into their flight with an engine problem. They are forced to return back to Auckland.
Tony Walton
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Basketball Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1968

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: December 1991

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2012 (Vol. 34, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Sunday Times

Young thugs beat up deaf mute Olgerts

Fifty-nine year old Olgerts Rublish was beaten up the other night on his way home from the pub. He didn't go to the police or to a doctor. He just picked himself up and went home to bed. He just wants to know 'why'?
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Waitemata Indoor Basketball, Winter 1976

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Team Photo: Wellington Society for the Deaf Table Tennis Team, Winners New Zealand Deaf Societies Table Tennis Shield, 1954

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Games crowd pleaser blind and deaf

One of the crowd favourites at the sixteenth World Games for the Deaf has been the blind and deaf wrestler from Canada, Pier Morten. Although being disadvantaged by not being able to see his opponents, Morten fights tenaciously and reacts speedily to holds applied on him.
Object – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

School Badge, 1935

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Darts Club, 1993

Manawatu Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Ladies Table Tennis, 1984

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

A Friday evening at Christchurch Deaf Society

Members hustle and bustle around the Deaf Club’s kitchen on a Friday evening, taking care of orders, cooking, and payments - back in the days when meals were $5.00 and cans were only $1!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Memories of Merv Forman and Nellie Benney

Merv and Nellie Forman are both interviewed by Dorothy Jones on their lives and their involvement with the Deaf community at their home in Hawkes Bay.
Dorothy Jones
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Letter to the Editor: Deaf not dumb

Remember – deaf not dumb! That's the message Sarah Cameron, a fifth former, sends to the Editor of The Evening Post. 
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Uniforms for N.Z. women in Deaf Olympics

Kath Smith, selected as chaperon for the first official team to represent New Zealand at the International Games for the Deaf, is being fitted with the ceremonial team outfit.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: NZ Tablet

IS THERE NO HOPE AT ALL? Plight of Deaf Children

St. Dominic's is a mile or so on the Palmerston side of Feilding. Set back across the railway line from the highway is a fine old country mansion framed by trees and lawns. At one side are the former barns and stables, now being used as temporary classrooms. On the other side the builders are busy completing new classrooms for use next year; when these are finished they will begin work on the children's new sleeping quarters adjoining.
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Needs of deaf people given ‘low’ priority

New Zealand Sign Language must be given official recognition as a language or it will die, Deaf Association President Jennifer Brain says.
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Welcome 1990 Haere Mai!

The Auckland Sign Singers were invited to perform with others in a three-hour entertainment special to celebrate 1990 which was broadcast live from Bastion Point on TV One at 7.30pm.
Dulcie McKie
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Pilgrimage to the original St Dominic’s Wellington school

A group of past pupils visit the original Dover Street location in Island Bay, Wellington, as part of the Golden Jubilee of the founding of St Dominic’s School for the Deaf.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Ministry of Education

Acknowledgements – Ko Wai Au? Who Am I? See My Voice?

An acknowledgement to all the team who helped make the Ko Wai Au? Who Am I? See My Voice? exhibition possible. Ko Wai Au is an exhibition empowering Māori rangatahi who identify as Deaf to communicate with others leading to a wider understanding of aspirations as young Deaf Māori.
Ministry of Education
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Ban the foolhardy from mountains?

What right did Robert Muldoon have to order seven deaf Japanese climbers off Mt Cook? Will his action mean that in future any climber will need prime ministerial sanction before he or she can proceed?
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

The beginnings of Easter Deaf Rugby: Northern Region vs Southern Region

The second game of 15-a-side Deaf rugby tournament in New Zealand: Southern Region seek to avenge their earlier defeat to the Northern Region.
Rodney Roberts
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: December 1990

Auckland Deaf Society

Hemi Hema (QSM)

Hemi Hema received the Queen’s Service Medal (Q.S.M) in 2012 for his services to the Māori Deaf community. Along with Karen Pointon in the same year, Hemi was the first Māori Deaf person to receive such an honour.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Auckland Leagues Club Cup (Golf), 1980

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Absolutely Positively Windy Deaf: September 2014

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Allan Richardson

Northern Deaf Youth Camp 1995

Coverage of the participants and activities enjoyed at the 1995 Northern Deaf Youth Camp in Lake Whakamaru, Waikato.
Allan Richardson
article – Taonga source: Zealandia

A capital reception

An interpreter passes on the Pope's message to the deaf during the outdoor Mass at Athletic Park.

Lynette Pivac (MBE)

In 1996, Lynette was awarded the Member of British Empire for her services in Deaf education and sign language. She mostly initiated the development of NZSL resources, the training of NZSL tutors and involvement in NZSL teaching issues at national level. She advocated for NZSL and Deaf Studies to be introduced into Deaf education and was the first Deaf Board of Trustees Chairperson.
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: September 1962

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Abbie Twiss

Auckland Deaf Society hosts a Derby Race Night!

An action filled evening at ADS with a Deaf modelling show followed by an Auckland Deaf Drag Queen contest and finally a derby race competition!
Abbie Twiss
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Yearbook: van Asch Deaf Education Centre, 1996

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Sign of the times

Wilton resident David McKee, who has been profoundly deaf by birth, is excited by the prospect of New Zealand sign language becoming the country's third official language saying it would legitimise his mother tongue and acknowledge the fact that deaf community has its own language and culture.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: June 1991 (Vol. 5, No. 2)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
article – Taonga source: NZ Herald

Art of surviving in silence

An interview with Abbie Twiss on World Deaf Awareness Day, and the start of New Zealand's National Deaf Awareness Week. Here, Abbie looks out from her Elam studio. "My thoughts go much faster than I can write." 
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Berry Family: Part 2

We take you into the home of the Berrys and look at the lives of deaf New Zealanders. Playing poker is one of this family’s favourite pastimes!
Attitude Pictures
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, Winners 15th National Deaf Rugby Inter-Zonal Championship, 2008

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: June 1979 (Vol. 2, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Society Ten Pin Bowling Team, 1995

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

End of Year Celebration and Prizegiving 1998: Manawatu Deaf Society Sports Section

The Manawatu Deaf Society Sports Section celebrates its annual End of Year Prizegiving evening at the Clubrooms, with happy hour, dancing, speeches, raffle prizes at a time when smoking was still allowed inside the clubroom!
Dorothy Jones
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: Christmas 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 4)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: Oticon Foundation

Soundscape: September 2001

Oticon Foundation
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Adult Deaf Picnic: Trip to Motuihe Domain

Deaf adults enjoy ice cream, beer and dressing up in bathing suits, whilst observing HMNZ Tamaki navy recruits practise on Motuihe Island.
Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: September 1987 (Vol. 1, No. 3)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Bob Scott Memorial Shield (Badminton), 1981

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: New Zealand at the 1st Deaf Cricket World Cup, 1995-96

Clive Morgan
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Dennis Robinson

Dennis talks about his past struggles and joys in life, his love of ten pin bowling and travel, punctuated with jokes and stories.
AUT Visual Languages Section
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: June 1965

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: March 1981 (Vol. 18, No. 1)

video – Taonga source: Rūaumoko Komiti

Māori Deaf Wānanga

Wānanga held in 2001, involving both Deaf and hearing Māori, focusing on NZSL skills, learning about community and culture as well as socialising and having fun.
Rūaumoko Komiti
Est. 1983
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Manson Trophy, Men’s Pool Championship, Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Adult Deaf Society Indoor Basketball, First Grade, 1951

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2012 (Vol. 34, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Badminton Team, 1978

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Arriving for the Deaf Sports Convention in Auckland 1952

Members of the Auckland Deaf community welcome friends and competitors from nationwide for the annual Deaf Sports Convention in Auckland 1952, and take a trip into Auckland City.
Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

First sign language interpreting course

An insight into the teaching and learning of those involved in the first sign language interpreting course in New Zealand 1985.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: Oticon Foundation

Soundscape: September 2009

Oticon Foundation
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: November 1962

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball Club, 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Graduates silent but definitely not joyless

A group of graduating Victoria University students never spoke a word yesterday during the quietest graduation party ever held. The students were New Zealand's first to graduate with a certificate in Deaf studies.
Featured Story
Community Life and Places

Manawatu Deaf Society

SignDNA is grateful to the Manawatu Deaf Society who have donated a large collection of films, recorded and edited by Joan Bailey, its founder. Established in 1962, it was originally named the Manawatu Deaf Sports Club. Later it was changed to the Manawatu Deaf Society.
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Athletics at the 32nd Annual NZ Games for the Deaf: Christchurch 1987

The popular athletics interclub and open championship ran to a tight program, from 8:00am to 12:00 noon. The Oxspring Shield for interclub athletics went to Auckland with 32 points. The 32nd Annual NZ Games for the Deaf in Christchurch provided valuable experience for hosting the World Deaf Games to be held in Christchurch in January 1989. At Cowles Stadium, Shona McGhie and Tony Walton are also interviewed by News Review.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Est. 1957
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society Indoor Bowls: Agg Points

Wellington Deaf Society
Object – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Banner: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, Winners 2008, National Deaf Rugby Inter-Zonal Championships

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: Autumn 1998

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Deaf Toolbox: Making it on the Marae

At some stage in your life you may find yourself on a marae. We’ve put together some helpful tips in NZSL so you’ll feel right at home!
Attitude Pictures
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: May 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Police complain to TVNZ about Curry documentary

The Ivan Curry documentary has prompted the deaf community to insist that professional sign language interpreters be used in all police and court work in future.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: March 1979 (Vol. 2, No. 1)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

NZ vs Sweden Men’s Basketball at WGD in Christchurch

Edited crowd-shot footage of the men’s basketball heat at the World Games for the Deaf 1989, between New Zealand and Sweden. Sweden won the match 126-61.
Rodney Roberts
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Indoor Bowls Club, 1987

Manawatu Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: July 1989

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Cricket, Cook Strait Shield Winner, 1996

Clive Morgan
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball A Team, 1976

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Sport Convention 1979

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Māori Television

Mother’s plea to see Aotearoa more sensitive to deaf community

Sign language is one of three official languages of Aotearoa, but Tofi Au’vaa says it's still a struggle educating people about the challenges faced by the deaf community.
Māori Television
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

The finished result

The result of Dick Poole's efforts was the official team photograph of the New Zealand team. The team mascot is in the centre of the front row alongside the coaches and team officials.
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Trans-Tasman Games hosted in Christchurch, 1979

Opening ceremony of the Trans-Tasman Games, Including a traditional Maori welcome for the Australian team.
Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: AUT Sign Language Section

Deaf Health Stories in NZSL

This project explores the experiences of Deaf New Zealanders in accessing healthcare and health information. 40 Deaf people from around New Zealand share their stories about barriers in this setting as well as strategies they have used in advocating for their right to access information, communication, and make informed decisions.
AUT Sign Language Section
article – Taonga source: The Press

TVNZ taken to task

The chairman of the Hillary Commission, Sir Ronald Scott, has joined in the chorus of criticism over television coverage of the World Games for the Deaf. He said Television New Zealand was insensitive to the needs of the deaf when covering the Games.
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: February 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Nice touch to start of Deaf Games

A touching moment at the opening of the World Games for the Deaf appeared to set the tone for the competition. The entire United States team lined up to touch hands with the Russian athletes as the Soviet team marched into place.
article – Taonga source: Unknown


Described by a prominent Palmerston North specialist, Dr A.A. MacGibbon, as a school which compares more than favourably with the latest schools of its type overseas, St. Dominic's School in Feilding for deaf children was officially blessed and opened yesterday afternoon.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Archbishop Opens Feilding School for Deaf Children

Erected at a cost of £68,000 and standing in 23 acres of farmland and gardens, St. Dominic's school for the Deaf, at Feilding, was blessed and officially opened this afternoon by Archbishop T.B. McKeefry, Metropolitan of New Zealand.
article – Taonga source: Western Leader

Deaf learn Maori culture

A Maori house of learning for deaf children was opened at the Kelston Deaf Education Centre in Auckland yesterday after many hours of voluntary work by deaf adults and pupils.
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Māori Deaf and Deaf education

A look at the cultural education needs of Māori Deaf students. Māori Deaf are likely to experience more barriers in the education sector. Interviews undertaken by ‘Marae’ shows us that the multiple cultural identities of Māori Deaf are not completely accommodated for with aspirations on how to resolve this.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2017 (Vol. 39, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Deaf worker soon calms the nerves

Wellington has a new worker among the deaf. Pat Dugdale, profoundly deaf, has been made field officer by the New Zealand Association of the Deaf. Her job is to provide personal social service help and to liaise with organisations, welfare agencies, commercial institutions and lawyers on behalf of the deaf.
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

The Auckland Deaf Centre

A glimpse into the Auckland Deaf Centre, showing Deaf people playing pool, badminton, reading, having coffee and talking in sign language.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

16th Annual NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Christchurch

The Manawatu Deaf Club Athletic Team practice with coach Keith Gordon. This footage covers the athletic training session.
Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball 25th Jubilee: Social dance at Armagh Street Clubroom

The Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club, established in 1951, celebrates their 25th Jubilee on Saturday 31 July, 1976 – with a game between old previous members versus young current members, before a social dance evening at the Armagh Street clubroom.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Kiwis vs Roos: Deaf Rugby League

Footage of rugby league training, haka practice, game planning, changing room preparations, and actual game footage of all three matches between the Deaf Kiwis and Australian teams, and even a visit to the hospital for an injured Kiwi player!
Rodney Roberts
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: March 1980 (Vol. 3, No. 1)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Central A & B 8 Ball Pool, 46th New Zealand Deaf Games, 2006

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf study tour hit by obstacle

Many obstacles, including their deafness, are getting in the way of a planned study to the United States and Britain for Angela and Shelia.
video – Taonga source: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Sumner School for the Deaf Marching Girls

The Deaf Sumner School for the Deaf marching team participate in a marching competition in Auckland, 1958.
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: July 1988 (Vol. 2, No. 2)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Men’s Basketball Club, 1976

Manawatu Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Autumn 1967 (Vol. 4, No. 3)

article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf wing ‘alive and well’

St Dominic's Wing for Deaf Children is alive and well and integrated with St Joseph's School in Feilding, says principal Sister Gemma.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2016 (Vol. 38, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Unknown


A solemn and impressive ceremony was witnessed last Sunday at St. Dominic's School for the Deaf, near Feilding, when the Catholic Prelate, His Grace Archbishop P.T.B. McKeefry blessed the new building at the school.
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

Here’s to Games

Three officials of the World Games for the Deaf pause to toast the success of the venture, as teams from more than 30 countries arrive in Christchurch.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1969 (Vol. 7, No. 1)

publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2011 (Vol. 33, No. 1)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Foundation Stone Ceremony

The foundation stone ceremony for the Auckland Deaf Welfare Centre 1958.
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
video – Taonga source: Darryl Alexander

The Making of an NZSL Friendly School

The Making of a NZSL Friendly School follows Andre, who began as a new entrant at the school in 2016, and the journey of his teachers, classmates and wider school community in learning NZSL and incorporating it into school curriculum.
Darryl Alexander
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1969 (Vol. 6, No. 3)

article – Taonga source: The Marlborough Express

Future for deaf takes on rosy glow

Deaf job-seekers face seemingly unsurmountable obstacles and prejudice. But a new polytech course promoting positive action is smoothing the way.
video – Taonga source: Natasha Jumelet

An insight into Miss Auckland Deaf preparations

Contestants practice their routine at the Auckland Deaf Society clubroom in preparation for the Miss Auckland Deaf competition.
Natasha Jumelet
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

WDG Köln 1981 team returns home

The NZ team returns from the XIV World Games for the Deaf, Köln, Germany 1981.
Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: NZ Woman’s Weekly

In A Silent World

Social Welfare Officer and organising secretary of The Friends of the Deaf in Auckland hopes to provide housing via several units to be known as the Eddowes Memorial Village.
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Value of Art

Abbie Twiss is curating Auckland’s first exhibition of deaf artists. She talks about the value of art and how being deaf influences her art.
Attitude Pictures
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Western Suburbs Indoor Basketball League, Deaf Demons, 1966

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Basketball Club, 1982

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Manawatu Women’s Group celebrates its 30th birthday!

The fine women of the Manawatu Women’s Group celebrate their 30th birthday, and tell stories about their time in the Women's group. Games, cake-cutting, photo montages up for viewing and lots of reminiscing, before the ladies head out for a well-attended dinner at a restaurant open to all, even the men!
Dorothy Jones
Featured Story
Community Life and Places

The National Film Unit

From 1941 to 1950, the National Film Unit produced the Weekly Review and from 1952 to 1971, the Pictorial Parade. Government owned, the Unit’s work included visits to schools to show the country positive stories about the future of New Zealand and the good work that was being done. This included visits to Sumner and St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children.
article – Taonga source: The Auckland Star

Ref has tough job in a silent world

Peter Downie is a basketball referee of considerable merit, a national badge holder for eight years, Downie recently shifted to Auckland from Christchurch.
Featured Story
Community Life and Places

Deaf Society of Canterbury

The Deaf Society of Canterbury is New Zealand’s oldest Deaf Club, established in the mid 1930s. It has provided the inspiration for the development of other clubs around the country, including Auckland. Dennis Tod and Sue Penman have done a great job of rounding up some of the films from the Canterbury Deaf community.
video – Taonga source: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Sumner School for the Deaf 75th Jubilee

The 75th Jubilee of Sumner School for the Deaf in Christchurch, including alumni parades and marching girls!
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, Winners Oxspring Shield (Athletic), 1983

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Pam Witko

Married recently: Kaz and Pam Witko

Married recently at St Patrick’s Church, Paraparaumu were Kaz and Pam Witko, the only daughter of Mr and Mrs Howell. The couple will live in Perth.
Pam Witko
video – Taonga source: Owen Gibbons

Picnic at Duders Beach

Auckland Deaf community hold their annual picnic at Duders Beach, 1951.
Owen Gibbons
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Deaf children enjoy a car rally

Children from Sumner School for the Deaf test their navigational abilities in a car rally at Sumner.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1967 (Vol. 4, No. 4)

article – Taonga source: Unknown

Games viewers riled by breaks for ads

Deaf people were incensed when a television commentator at the Commonwealth opening last night referred to an athlete as "deaf and dumb".
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

First gold at games for New Zealand

Ooteman, 28, showed his superb form to score his third successive World Games for the Deaf gold medal in the prestigious time trial event.
article – Taonga source: Bay Harbour News

Patty Still – active role model for deaf community

In late July, Woolston grandmother Noeline 'Patty' Still joined a special group of New Zealanders in Wellington for the official presentation of the 2003 Queen's Birthday Honours medals. Patty was there to receive her MNZM for her services to the deaf community.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf angry at threat facing News Review

Deaf people are angered and disappointed by the threat facing the TV show News Review.
video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa

NZAD Newsletter, March 1993

Signed version of the NZAD newsletter in March 1993.
Deaf Aotearoa
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Women’s Basketball Team, Bronze Medal Winners, 1989

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Hearing Dogs for Deaf people sets up in NZ

A new scheme has begun, to train dogs to become hearing dogs for Deaf people, and also aims to have hearing dogs granted the same access rights as guide dogs for blind people.
Television New Zealand Archive
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball Club, 1975

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Unknown

School For The Deaf Is £68,000 Addition To Catholic Charities

The new St. Dominic's School for deaf children, which is set in spacious 23-acre grounds and can accommodate between 40 and 50 children, is the only institution for deaf children in New Zealand not operated by the State.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Brian Smither Cup, 1979

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Women’s Basketball Team, 1993

Manawatu Deaf Society
St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children
St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children
St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children
Est. 1944

St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children

We are all aware of the immense value St Dominic's has contributed to the New Zealand Deaf education sector. St Dominic’s School for the Deaf opened in 1944 to provide a Catholic based education to deaf children, and ran for 45 years before closing in May 1989.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Winter 1964 (Vol. 1, No. 4)

video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Some fresh air and football at the NZ Deaf Games, Christchurch 1987

Two men’s mixed teams played football 1.00pm to 3.00pm on Sunday 25th October 1987 at Cowles Stadium. No formal prizes were awarded for football, nor did it count for points towards the Aotearoa Turi Shield. It was for the selection of the New Zealand Deaf football team for the upcoming 1989 World Games for the Deaf in Christchurch.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball, Winners of Brian Smither Cup, 1980

Auckland Deaf Society
NZSL story – Taonga source: John Hunt

Compiling ‘The Story of the Auckland Deaf Society Inc 1937 – 1987’ book

John was keen to know about the history of Auckland Deaf Society, and upon the approval of the Board of Management, he compiled a book two years before the 50th Anniversary of ADS. It took him three years to finish the book, and it was released one year after the anniversary.
John Hunt
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Society Women’s Basketball, 1986

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Education News

“Deaf kids aren’t dumb you know?” 100 Years of Education for the Deaf

Van Asch College, as it will now be known, is no longer a school exclusively for the deaf.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1986 (Vol. 22, No. 3)

video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa

Opening of Deaf Association’s new premises in New Lynn, Auckland

The opening of the Deaf Association National Office and the Auckland Branch Office at the Ceramic House in Totara Avenue, New Lynn on 18 June 1993.
Deaf Aotearoa
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton

Los Angeles 1985: An update from the team manager with team results

The New Zealand team manager, Tony Walton, reports on the team’s results at the Los Angeles 1985 World Deaf Games including where the team stayed and played at.
Tony Walton
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Teaching the Deaf: St Dominic’s School for the Deaf in Feilding

What was school life was like for pupils who attended St Dominic’s School for the Deaf in Feilding? Footage includes hearing tests, classroom teaching, and celebrating a pupil’s 5th birthday with his classmates, before Mass with the Sisters.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post


New Zealand won its first gold medal at the World Games for the Deaf in California yesterday when cyclist John Ooteman (Fielding) won the 35km time trial in 51m 10s. Also includes results from the New Zealand team.
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

State needs to protect defendant’s right to a fair trial

Curry, who was deaf after suffering meningitis as an infant, spent two years in jail before being brought to trial on a murder charge a jury took just two hours to throw out.
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Helping the deaf to communicate

Daniel Beech was in New Plymouth over the weekend to demonstrate a new machine which enables deaf people to use a telephone.
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

A Deaf Child in the Family

“A Deaf Child in the Family” is an award-winning film which shows authentic scenes from Deaf education centres at Kelston, St Dominics and Sumner, produced as a resource for families of deaf children.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa

Deaf Association of New Zealand 2000

A look at the work of the New Zealand Association of the Deaf, presented by Judy Bailey.
Deaf Aotearoa
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Open Indoor Bowls Championship for the Deaf, Hamilton 1972

A trip to Hamilton for the 1972 Open Indoor Bowls Championship for the Deaf provides a snapshot of NZ at the time. A road trip, sporting events, and a day out relaxing at various attractions presents what seems to be a fun weekend.
Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Interpreter service for deaf urged

One of the New Zealand Association for the Deaf’s priorities is to get interpreters for the profoundly deaf. This was the message in a speech from Mrs Pat Dugdale.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Athletics Representatives, October 1966

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Victoria University of Wellington

Jubilee Ball: Celebrating 50 Years of Deaf Schools in Auckland

Nearly 500 alumni and members of the Deaf community, well presented with dinner suits, bow ties, evening gowns, hairdos and the works enjoy an evening at the Avondale Racecourse.
Victoria University of Wellington
Object – Taonga source: Pam Witko

Collection of Doreen Howell’s Wellington Deaf Society Indoor Bowls badges and pins

Pam Witko
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: October 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Wellington Deaf Basketball Team, 1992

Clive Morgan
video – Taonga source: Janice and Gary Howard

Auckland Netball Club’s 1st Birthday

The Auckland Deaf Netball Club runs a social event to celebrate its first anniversary in 1976.
Janice and Gary Howard
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

Trans-Tasman Games 1979 – Basketball

The Australian and New Zealand Deaf men play basketball at the Trans-Tasman Games, held at Lincoln College, Canterbury in January 1979.
Sue Penman
publication – Taonga source: Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ

Yearbook: van Ash Deaf Education Centre, 2015

Deaf Education History Aotearoa NZ
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Titirangi School for the Deaf hosts its annual Christmas party

Deaf students dress up and parade around the back of Titirangi School for the Deaf at its annual Christmas party.
Susan Hamilton
article – Taonga source: The Press

Late basketball win

Ross Freemantle, of New Zealand, works his way into the Finnish goal area in a basketball match in the World Games for the Deaf at Cowles Stadium yesterday. The New Zealand team led until the last two seconds, but lost, 78-79.
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

History through Young Eyes: Interview with Susie Ovens

A Tu Kokiri student interviews Susie Ovens on her involvement with the infamous Deaf Sign Singers group.
Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: St. Dominic’s O.B. Basketball Deaf Club, 1980

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Deafblind Wrestler competes at the 1989 World Games for the Deaf in Christchurch

Pier Morten, a Deafblind wrestler from Canada, participates in the 1989 World Games for the Deaf, in Christchurch.
Television New Zealand Archive
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1963-64 (Vol. 1, No. 2)

NZSL story – Taonga source: Janet Watt

Winning gold in the badminton doubles at Los Angeles 1985!

Janet Watt shares her experiences of winning gold in the women's badminton doubles with Carolyn Hamlin, where Pam Croskery and Penny Went also placed second.
Janet Watt
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: March 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Kerry Titcombe

Deaf couple win medals: Kerry Titcombe and Michael Lynch

Michael Lynch and Kerry Titcombe won karate medals when they competed in the Deaflympics in Taiwan (gold and bronze). They are both interviewed on the grounds of Kelston Deaf Education Centre, along with the President of Deaf Sports New Zealand, Nicki Morrison.
Kerry Titcombe
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Getting the best from a less-than-perfect body

Some make a fuss, dress up and do it because its fashionable. Others do it for the sport and for the good of their bodies. Peter Barker, who is deaf, is one of the others.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball, Winners of ‘The Brian Smithers Cup’ 2000

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Deaf young actor on ‘Strangers’

'Strangers' was a TVNZ-produced drama series, including one Deaf character played by 7-year-old Sonia Pivac. This short documentary is a brief look behind the scenes of the filming process.
Television New Zealand Archive
article – Taonga source: NZ Woman’s Weekly

The ‘silent’ games, a resounding success

A magnificent success is how organisers described the World Deaf Games in Christchurch. The 112-member New Zealand team – the biggest yet – won seven medals.
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, Central Zone, 1999

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

News Review – Deaf Student on Holiday

News Review features Stephen Leach, an Auckland Deaf student studying at Gallaudet College (now Gallaudet University).
Dulcie McKie
article – Taonga source: Unknown


Deaf children from all parts of New Zealand are gradually overcoming their affliction at St. Dominic's School for the Deaf, situated at Aorangi, near Feilding.
ca. 1940-50s
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Rosette: Wellington, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Inside Outside: Rachel Berry

Rachel Berry lives with her flatmates in Christchurch, where they’re often out exploring. Three out of four in their house are Deaf, so at home they use NZSL.
Attitude Pictures
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Board of trustees accepts extra challenges at school for deaf

Board member Ava Buzzard, who has been deaf since birth, is excited by the chance to have a greater role in a school she has been involved with for many years.
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: March 1964

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

Patrick Thompson discusses upcoming wānanga for Māori Deaf

Patrick Thompson is interviewed on the ‘Marae’ programme, a bilingual Māori and English language current affairs show, about setting up a wānanga to enable Māori Deaf to access te reo Maori and Tikanga Maori.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Hilda Tamepo

John & Laura Hunt’s farewell party

A farewell party is thrown for John and Laura Hunt at the Auckland Deaf Society, prior to their move to Melbourne. The farewell was attended by over 100 members of the Auckland Deaf community.
Hilda Tamepo
video – Taonga source: Janice and Gary Howard

ADS Netball Club’s 25th Jubilee

The Auckland Deaf Society Netball team celebrates their 25th Jubilee in April, 2000.
Janice and Gary Howard
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2010 (Vol. 32, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: The Press

Deaf athletes will be out to win medals

The vice-chairman of the organising committee, Mrs Margaret Coutts, said yesterday "for two weeks there will be more deaf people on the street than hearing people. My heart is filled with gold because of the very big turn out – there are more athletes here than at the previous World Games in America (in 1985)."
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: December 1989 (Vol. 3, No. 4)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Parenting with Sign Language

We’re alongside Sarah who is Deaf and preparing to give birth to her first child. Having been there twice before, Deaf parents Victoria and Greg, are on hand for advice.
Attitude Pictures
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: December 1992

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

43rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, 24-28 October 2002

Wellington Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Journal: September 1988 (Vol. 2, No. 3)

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
article – Taonga source: The Press

Clever new system for starting

The starting equipment to be used at the Queen Elizabeth II complex is far more sophisticated. It uses a traffic-light type devised by a Christchurch man, Mr Ted Gilliver.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention, 1966

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Stuff

I feel included’: How press briefings with NZSL are making a difference

For many people in the Deaf community, the coronavirus pandemic was the most they had ever seen their language on television. But its meant more than simply accessing information – it includes the Deaf community in conversations.
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Football Union, Winners of National Deaf Seven Championship, 1994

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
video – Taonga source: Rūaumoko Komiti

The experiences of Māori Deaf

This segment from Māori TV’s Te Hēteri focuses on the experiences of Māori Deaf, catching up with Patrick Thompson, Whiti Ronaki, and Hemi Hema.
Rūaumoko Komiti
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Using sign language as a family

The Fergusons are an average family of five who have fun, sometimes fight but mostly get along. The main difference is that three of them are deaf, and NZSL is the first language for the whole family. How does this work in a busy household with two teens and a toddler? We spend a few days with the Fergusons and discover it works remarkably well. Especially for the eldest Zoe who is exploring advocating for New Zealand deaf youth.
Attitude Pictures
Featured Story
Community Life and Places

Kelston Deaf Education Centre (Ko Taku Reo)

Kelston Deaf Education Centre (now Ko Taku Reo; previously Kelston School for the Deaf). Kelston was established on a site in Archibald Road in 1958. The school had relocated firstly from Titirangi, then from Mt Wellington. KDEC used to provide education in a range of satellite classes throughout Auckland the upper North Island. Kelston, which also hosts Rūaumoko Marae, merged with van Asch Deaf Education Centre to become Ko Taku Reo in 2020.
video – Taonga source: Ngaire Doherty

Using drama as a means of communicating

A group of deaf and hearing-impaired people feature in ‘First Half’, where they “are using drama as a means of communicating”.
Ngaire Doherty
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1972 (Vol. 9, No. 1)

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Table Tennis Representative Team, 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Ten Pin Bowling, 2001

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Television New Zealand Archive

First Deaf graduate of Master in Business Administration

Angela Sew Hoy shares her experiences of being the first Deaf graduate of a Master of Business Administration.
Television New Zealand Archive
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Manawatu Deaf community farewells Terry O’Brien

The Manawatu Deaf community thanks Terry O’Brien for his service as a Teacher of the Deaf. Terry taught for over 30 years at Freyberg High School in Palmerston North which had a Deaf Unit that St Dominic’s pupils often went on to attend.
Dorothy Jones
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Autumn 1965 (Vol. 2, No. 3)

publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2013 (Vol. 35, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Asia Downunder

Sign of the times

We meet Kaori Kobayashi, the first Asian Deaf Teacher in New Zealand.
Asia Downunder
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Central wins deaf title hands down

The combined Wellington-Manawatu Central Districts team and the first national deaf cricket tournament in Upper Hutt this week thrashed Canterbury by nine wickets in the final, passing its total of 98 after only 13 of the allocated 50 overs.
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

1944 – 1994: St Dominic’s celebrates its Golden Jubilee!

Around 250 people attended the 50th Jubilee, commemorating 50 years of St Dominic’s School for the Deaf. Footage shows many old photo albums, reunion photos being taken, a Jubilee Mass and a visit to the old Dover Street school grounds.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: October 1965

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowls Club, Easter 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

‘Deaf boys’ picnic at Spencer Park

Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball ‘Deaf Boys’ Picnic at Spencer Park, Sunday 13th March 1977.
Sue Penman
publication – Taonga source: Oticon Foundation

Soundscape: February 2015

Oticon Foundation
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Joan Bailey films Deaf performing at the Palmerston North Telethon!

Local Manawatu Deaf people appear on Telethon to sign a song, after Joan Bailey films a range of Deaf people at their workplaces - a welder, spraypainter, seamstress, data entry clerk and joiner.
Manawatu Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Netball Club, Teams ‘A’ and ‘B’, 1982

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Sports Convention, 1970

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Going in to bat for deaf cricketers

The New Zealand cricket team beat Australia at the Petone Recreation Ground. You would be forgiven for not knowing the match was on. Media coverage, or rather the lack of it, is a major problem for disabled sport.
article – Taonga source: NZPA

Sir Edmund criticises PM

The New Zealand mountaineer who conquered Mt Everest 30 years ago, Sir Edmund Hillary, has criticised the decision of the Prime Minister, Sir Robert Muldoon, to remove deaf Japanese climbers from Mt Cook.
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Ava Buzzard (2002)

Ava Buzzard talks about life growing up in Christchurch, her hobbies, moving to Auckland as well as her children and their educational upbringing.
AUT Visual Languages Section
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Society Netball Competition, 1980

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Day trip to the Parnell Baths

Students at Titirangi School for the Deaf are treated to a day trip to the Parnell Baths.
Susan Hamilton
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1973 (Vol. 10, No. 3)

Images – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Team Photo: Wellington Society for the Deaf, Winners Fairbrother Shield, 1948

Wellington Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1973 (Vol. 10, No. 2)

publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: September 1987 (Vol. 10, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

A look around the Armagh Street clubroom whilst the ceiling is being painted

A tour around the 323a Armagh Street clubroom filled with memories, trophies, photos, and a framed letter from Helen Keller. Jo Smith is working in the office that day, with Tom Still painting the inside ceiling.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Representing his country at deaf games

Paparangi's Kaz Witko will be representing New Zealand at the World Deaf Games in Los Angeles later this year. At 36, Kaz is no stranger to playing sport for his country.
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Balmoral Working Bee

Deaf members of the Auckland Adult Deaf Society clear the Balmoral Road property before construction of the main hall.
Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: October 1982 (Vol. 19, No. 3)


Daniel ‘Danny’ Beech (Benemerenti Medal)

Daniel (Danny) Beech was born in Pahiatua in 1942 and attended St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children from the age of 5. Danny embarked on a life crammed with commitment and loyalty to the NZ Deaf community.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Basketball Club, 1978

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Taranaki Daily News

Lobbying pays off for deaf community

Three years of lobbying for more support has finally borne fruit for the Taranaki deaf community. An office of the Deaf Association opened in New Plymouth this week, to provide needs assessment, information and some interpretation services for deaf people.
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

NZ Deaf Sport Convention, Christchurch 1979

Scenes from NZ Deaf Sport Convention in Christchurch 1979, with sports such as shot-put and athletics, including some impressive sprinting and middle distance running.
Sue Penman
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Deaf chaplain dies before move home

Danny Beech, a long-time leader of New Zealand's deaf community, both Catholic and secular, has died.
article – Taonga source: The Northern Advocate

Northland marae set up te reo and deaf sign programmes to grow national languages

Twenty marae across Northland want to grow the number of whānau who can speak te reo Māori ... in sign language. An eight week course, He Aha, is about to get under way to help whānau improve communication with tangata turi.
The Northern Advocate
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Polishing cloth: Wellington Deaf Indoor Bowls, 1957-1989

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

Christchurch Women Group: Progressive Dinner

The Christchurch Deaf Women’s Group hosts a progressive dinner. Three courses at three different locations all in one night in 1977!
Sue Penman
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Victorian Deaf Women’s Basketball Team, Tour of New Zealand, 8-21 April 1996

Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Canterbury plays Wellington ‘Lions’ in a close match of rugby league

The Wellington ‘Lions’ Rugby League team assembled at the Randwick Club to welcome their Canterbury opponents. After the match, players and supporters enjoy the Randwick hospitality before moving on to a private venue.
Rodney Roberts
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Ivan Curry case goes to police authority

The Police Minister expects the Police Complaints Authority to inquire into questions arising from the documentary 'The Remand of Ivan Curry'.
video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Sports Day at Kelston School for the Deaf

The School for Deaf annual sports day is held at Kelston with athletics, long jumping, relay races and performances.
Susan Hamilton
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Netball Club, Northern A, 2003

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1969
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Walton Award: Sports Man of the Year

Wellington Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

New Zealand Indoor Bowls Federation, 25th Tournament, Auckland, Easter Weekend 1991

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dan Hanks

President gives tour of old Auckland Deaf Society building

Auckland Deaf Society President Kevin Pivac gives a tour of the Club’s building prior to its demolition and rebuild.
Dan Hanks
Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

Team Photo: Manawatu Deaf Society Basketball Team, N.Z. Deaf Sports Convention, 1979

Manawatu Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Hawkes Bay Today

Stories of Hawke’s Bay’s deaf school heard

Among the schooling communities in Hawke's Bay perhaps one of the most unique is the deaf community; many of whom were taught at Napier's Onekawa Deaf Unit. Their stories, heard over the past two years by resource teacher of the deaf Juliet Clarke, have now been compiled into a one-of-a-kind book 'Hearing Aid Bras and Other Stories 1969-2014.'
Hawkes Bay Today
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Rodney’s Deaf Saturday

Rodney Roberts takes us through the typical Saturday of a Deaf Wellingtonian, with the Manawatu Deaf boys playing a game of rugby (and being well beaten 47 to 7), before taking us on a tour through a Wellington Deaf Society event to farewell an international interpreter.
Rodney Roberts
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 1)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Outfits for Deaf Games

World Deaf Games Chaperon Kath Smith – her husband is the manager and both are also deaf – adjusts swimmer Rossell MacKenzie's hat at a final outfitting in Auckland.
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Games for deaf demonstrate need

The New Zealand Deaf Sports Association demonstrated in Wellington at the weekend – at its 33rd annual games – how well it would use the Government funds it is hoping for so the association can hire its own interpreters.
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Perry Strawson

Perry Strawson entertains with stories and funny tales from his life; what it’s like to enjoy sports and travel as a young Deaf man.
AUT Visual Languages Section
video – Taonga source: Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision

Auckland Carnival 1956

Friends of the Deaf prepare a float for the Auckland Carnival, 1956, along with some footage of the float parade.
Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision
publication – Taonga source: Oticon Foundation

Soundscape: March 2012

Oticon Foundation
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Ephpheta: December 1986 (Vol. 9, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: July 1983

video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Parent’s Day at Titirangi School for Deaf (1957)

Annual Parent’s Day at Titirangi School for Deaf, where students show their parents around the school and put on a performance – dancing, tītītōrea (short stick games) with end-of-year prizes.
Susan Hamilton
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Silver to NZ runner in deaf marathon

New Zealand's Kevin Lawrence won silver in the World Games for the Deaf marathon yesterday, but had to survive a protest.
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Team wins at contest just by taking part

The four skipped by Margaret Coutts lost both matches at the national women's bowls tournament in Wellington yesterday. But they didn't mind.
video – Taonga source: Janice and Gary Howard

Annual Auckland Picnic at Orewa, 1969

Members of the Auckland Deaf Society and friends attend the annual picnic at Orewa Beach in March 1969.
Janice and Gary Howard
Images – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Team Photo: Y.M.C.A. Indoor Basketball, Wellington Deaf Sports Club, 1962

Wellington Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Combined Sports Representatives, 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: Stuff

Acting experience leaves Deaf teen with another career option

New short film 'The Dining Table' is putting emerging Deaf talent from Aotearoa on to film festival screens. Lucy McKenzie-Bridle, 16, a Wellington Girls’ College student, makes her debut in The Dining Table, playing Ana, a Deaf teenager being raised in a hearing family.
video – Taonga source: Dulcie McKie

Sign Singers: ‘Oh What a Beautiful Day’

The Sign Singers perform 'Oh What a Beautiful Day' broadcast on Stars on Sunday in February 1983.
Dulcie McKie
publication – Taonga source: Oticon Foundation

Soundscape: February 2007

Oticon Foundation
article – Taonga source: Stuff

What it’s like doing the Oxfam Trailwalker when you’re Deaf

The first time Monica Leach took part in the Oxfam Trailerwalker was with a group of hearing friends. Leach, who is Deaf and uses NZSL, found it difficult to communicate with the team. But last weekend, her team Deaf Power Walk completed it in Taranaki as an all-Deaf team.
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Sign of the times

Sign language interpreter Rosie Henley translates for the deaf beside Speaker of the House Jonathon Hunt as MPs debate legislation making New Zealand sign language an official language.
article – Taonga source: NZ Woman’s Weekly

Pat’s deafness helps others

The new field officer for the deaf, Pat says “…deaf people are not morons.”
article – Taonga source: Eastern Suburbs News

Successful integration of the deaf depends on community attitudes

If a New Zealand-born person doesn’t speak good English, people are likely to assume such a person is unintelligent. Such an assumption is wrong when the person is born deaf.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Winter 1968 (Vol. 5, No. 4)

video – Taonga source: Inside Out

Deaf Blacks players to tour Wales selected at the 1998 National Deaf Rugby Interzonal Championship

The deciding match of the 1998 National Deaf Rugby Interzonal Championship played in Wellington over Easter weekend, and cementing a place in the New Zealand Deaf team that toured Wales in November 1998.
Inside Out
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Cricket Team, World Cup Deaf Cricket, Melbourne 1995-96

Clive Morgan
video – Taonga source: Chris Blum

Friends of Young Deaf (FYD) Explained

FYD Leader Chris Blum explains how the programme works.
Chris Blum
video – Taonga source: Ministry of Education

National Deaf Youth Hui 2014

In August 2014, the Ministry of Education brought Deaf students together from across New Zealand for a weekend of ideas, learning and friendship. The Ministry called the hui to better understand what school is really like for Deaf students and to gather their ideas on how things could be improved. This video captures the workshops, fun activities and growing friendships that happened over the weekend.
Ministry of Education
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Cunniffe Memorial Cup, Basketball, Auckland 1973

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: September 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

News Review update on finals at 1989 World Games for the Deaf

News Review presents a round-up of coverage of the 1989 World Games for the Deaf including a feature on a Deaf-blind wrestler, as well as the closing stages of games in the men’s football, volleyball and basketball.
Rodney Roberts
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowls Club, Easter 1993

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

St Dominic’s 60th Jubilee

Ex-pupils talk about their memories and tell stories about St Dominic’s at the 60th reunion in Feilding, during Waitangi Weekend in 2004.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post

Backchat no problem for lip-reading ref

Deafness has failed to keep John Mansell from a successful career as a rugby league referee. "I know the rule book inside out. If you know the rules and the signals well there's no reason why a referee has to talk."

Susan Hamilton

Susan was a very active sportswoman who loved being involved in the Deaf community, regularly attending all community events. A renowned Deaf golfer who could be found out on the green each Saturday, Susan was also the President of the Deaf Association from 1994 to 1998 and its Patron from 2008 to 2016.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Northern Sports Team, Women’s Basketball, 2002

Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Rahui Deaf Rugby Team, Senior Reserve 1999

Clive Morgan
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: September 1992

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Desperate need in N.Z. for interpreters

Qualified interpreters are desperately needed to cope with the needs of deaf people in New Zealand.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Sports Representatives, N.Z. Deaf Sports Convention, 1973

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Barry Kinnaird

Memories of Barry Kinnaird

A Deaf bowling legend, Barry Kinnaird was well known for his indoor and outdoor bowling achievements, participating in many New Zealand opens, Deaf Conventions and international competitions.
Barry Kinnaird
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society

16th World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch

Opening ceremony and events at the 16th World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch 1989.
Manawatu Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Lorraine Butler

Deaf Diversity – Queer Nation

Queer Nation meets a sporty lesbian with nimble fingers. Lorraine talks about her identity, involvement with Deaf sports, performing and access, emphasising that Deaf people are really no different from hearing people.
Lorraine Butler
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Debate of Eloquent Hands

An observer tags along to watch delegates from the N.Z. Deaf Societies Convention at their annual meeting in Wellington, noting “sometimes debates flared, and a number of delegates were gesticulating wildly, making their points.”
video – Taonga source: Richard Hay

Miss Deaf Auckland!

The Auckland Deaf community gathers for the Miss Deaf Auckland competition, organised by Adrienne Killen. The top three are selected to represent Auckland in the upcoming Miss Deaf New Zealand pageant.
Richard Hay
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

Auckland Schools for Deaf: 60th Reunion

Weekend celebrations are kickstarted with a Māori Deaf kapa haka group to perform a haka powhiri. Vintage teachers such as Les Bury briefly summarise their experiences of working in Deaf education over the years.
Dorothy Jones
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Absolutely Positively Windy Deaf: June 2015

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Central Zone holds onto the Shield!

Footage of all three men's games of the 2000 National Deaf Rugby Championships at the Canterbury Rugby League Stadium, combined into one clip. Includes pre-match Deaf cheerleading display.
Rodney Roberts
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Cricket Team, 1999

Clive Morgan
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

NFD Communicate: December 1995

National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing

John Rua (Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal)

John Rua is a Master Carver, a living tohunga in his art. He has carved thousands of stunning artefacts which have been displayed in maraes and museums across the country, including the carving of Te Tira Hou meeting house in Auckland, Ohope Marae in Whatakane and Okains Bay Maori and Colonial Museum in the South Island. His most noticeable achievement was training carvers at the Ngā Hau e Whā National Marae in Christchurch, a project which took 8 years to complete.
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2014 (Vol. 36, No. 2)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Featured Story
Community Life and Places

Rūaumoko Marae

Rūaumoko Marae has been part of Deaf Māori community for 30 years and is a central part of Deaf Māori community. It's a place where Deaf Māori can just be; they can connect and learn about te ao Māori.
article – Taonga source: NZPA

Communing In Silence

Deaf people gatherered near the front of the papal Mass as interpreter Rachel Locker translated for them. She said it was one of the hardest job she had done because of the religious language.
article – Taonga source: NZ Herald

Singing and signing

The price in being part of the 600-strong Commonwealth Games opening ceremony choir as they use sign language to sing is evident.
video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones

First Test: New Zealand Deaf vs Australia Deaf Netball

The grit! The determination! The hours of practice! Finally it’s game day for the first Deaf Netball New Zealand versus Australia in Manawatu. Watch highlights of the gameplay followed by expert post-match analysis and limbo shenanigans at MDS. Good times.
Dorothy Jones
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: October 1989

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1964-65 (Vol. 2, No. 2)

article – Taonga source: Unknown

Able to talk

For the first time in their lives, Pam and Kay, who are profoundly deaf, can talk to each other by telephone. The Combined Societies for the Deaf is hoping to get telephone-type equipment in airports, police stations, taxi offices and emergency service switchboards.
article – Taonga source: NZ Catholic

Deaf community gathers to honour teacher and friend

The deaf community of the lower North Island gathered in Palmerston North on the last weekend of September to honour a teacher and chaplain, mentor and friend who has worked with the deaf since 1972.
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Susan Thomas (1998)

Susan, born as the only deaf person in a hearing family, talks about the dialect differences in sign between the South Island and the North Island, oralism, moving cities, participating in the Trans-Tasman Games, and meeting her husband, Paul.
AUT Visual Languages Section
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Spring 1985 (Vol. 22, No. 2)

video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton

Rugby Union: Kelston vs St Kentigern College

Kelston School for the Deaf had a rugby team that played in the secondary school Grade 2C division, coming third in the 1958 season. Kelston beat St Kentigern 16 to 0.
Susan Hamilton
article – Taonga source: Unknown

Bowls Win To Team Led By Past Champion

Stewart Smith who is deaf, has been in teams which have won the New Zealand fours twice, and one of his team has won the Auckland singles three years running.
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star

Deaf athletes see red

A Christchurch man has designed an international first for the World Games for the Deaf, designing a visual starter for athletic and swimming events.
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Basketball ‘C’ Team, Winter 1967

Auckland Deaf Society