NFD Communicate: March 1994
Some of the items featured in the March 1994 (Vol. 8, No. 1) issue of ‘NFD Communicate’:
- The first National Hui for Māori Deaf was in Auckland on the weekend of 19-21 November 1993.
- Telecom offers Deaf customers using a TTY to contact them via a free 0800 service. TTYs were then for sale between $572 to $1050!
- Deaf people and their driving licences. In 1962, a long running battle begun with the Ministry of Transport to have the hearing test for drivers of private motocars deleted from motor drivers regulations. This was dropped in 1984.
- The Hearing Association promotes its ‘hearing problem’ counter cards for display in shops and offices.
- Sandra Smith and her observations on Signed English and TC.
- Patty Still takes her NZSL students to visit Wrey Jury’s neatly sculptured garden via a ‘Mystery Drive!’
- Deaf Organisations
- TV/Media