HomePublicationsNFD Journal: March 1990 (Vol. 4, No. 1)

NFD Journal: March 1990 (Vol. 4, No. 1)

Some of the items featured in the March 1990 issue of ‘NFD Journal:

  • An in-depth explanation how Teletext subtitles are made, accessible for viewers who have Teletext television sets.
  • Shake Awake, a new portable vibrating alarm clock is advertised!
  • The Auckland Sign Singers participated in the opening ceremony of the 1990 Commonwealth Games, part of the 600 strong choir. They also performed ‘Two Strong Hearts’ on a televised New Years Eve ceremony at Bastion Point. 
  • Dulcie McKie talks about her classes in NZ Sign Language at Auckland Deaf Society, where she is teaching along with three other tutors. 
  • Kevin Stokes reports on the Deaf Way 1989 conference in Washington D.C. describing it as “mind-blowing!”
  • Marianne Collins-Ahlgren’s PhD – ”her thesis has enhanced the status of NZSL and will contribute to the provision of interpreting services for the Deaf Community”
  • Deaf Organisations
  • TV/Media
Taonga source:
National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, NFDJ1990-4-1-MJN
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