The 40th Anniversary of St Dominic’s School for the Deaf in Feilding was held during Queens’ Birthday Weekend (Saturday 2nd June to Monday 4th June) in 1984 to celebrate 40 years since the school’s opening in 1944.
The video opens with a tour of the school grounds, chapel and kitchens. Welcoming speeches by Maree Carroll and Sister Gemma opened the event. Behind the lectern a banner reads “ST DOMINIC’S SCHOOL 40TH REUNION VERITAS – WELCOME TO EVERYONE 1944-1984”. The speeches were followed by an official roll call and group photographs to mark this momentous occasion.
Jeanette Smith, one of the first students to attend school at the Island Bay site, and current pupil at the time Jarrod Burrell, ceremoniously cut the cake together for a lively afternoon tea. The day of activities ended with a Mass held at St Brigid Catholic Church in Feilding, including the Deaf reading of the Prayer the Faithful, along with Sisters prayers and other speeches.
Note: Sound is slightly out of sync with video, video a couple of seconds slower.