Sumner School for the Deaf 100 Years Centenary celebration

  • Deaf Education
  • Interpreting
Footage by Sue Penman, of members of the Deaf community and their families attending the centenary celebrations at Sumner School for the Deaf, and taking a tour of the school.
HomeVideosSumner School for the Deaf 100 Years Centenary celebration

Members of the Deaf community and their families attend the centenary celebrations at Sumner School for the Deaf. Open day at Sumner, the Deaf community look around the old classrooms and celebrate with speeches and socialising. The Sumner School for the Deaf was renamed in its centenary year as van Asch College in honour of its first Principal, Gerrit van Asch.

Taonga source:
Sue Penman
Produced by:
Michael Hope
Original format:
8mm 400ft
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, SP01-02-EDU80
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