Memories of Susan Thomas (2004)

  • People
Susan Thomas talks about her many life experiences, love of sports, and what it was like to work on ‘News Review’ as a Deaf presenter in the late 1980s.
HomeVideosMemories of Susan Thomas (2004)

Susan talks about her love of sports, including what it was like to work on ‘News Review’ as a Deaf presenter in the late 1980s. She starts with being sent to school as a toddler, to working on ‘News Review’ as a Deaf presenter, to moving to Auckland to pursue her career as an educator while looking after students at Kelston’s residential village. 

Susan also talks about her difficulties communicating at home with hearing parents who only understand home signs, and how her family started a Drug Detecting Dog business.

Taonga source:
AUT Visual Languages Section
Produced by:
AUT Visual Languages Section
Original format:
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, AUT021-01-LS04
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