HomePublicationsNFD Communicate: March 1992

NFD Communicate: March 1992

Some of the items featured in the March 1992 (Vol 2. No. 5) issue of ‘NFD Communicate’:

  • Deaf View 1991 – a weekend of several firsts – Deaf Māori in powhiri, 1st Conference for the Deaf, live captioning of speeches, culturally Deaf guest speaker and Deaf New Zealanders leading workshops.
  • End of an era – NZAD without Ken Jillings? After more than 30 years, Ken has been a part of the Deaf world and is retiring to a life of peaceful fishing and maybe even some golf!
  • Deaf woman of the Year 1991 – Jane Butler
  • Jennifer Brain, Pat Dugdale and Sonya Logan wrote an article on the difference between NZSL and Total Communication. A major aim of NZAD and NFD is to have NZSL recognised as an official language.
  • ‘The sounds of silence’ – an excerpt from an article on Jennifer Brain in the NZ Herald.
  • An advertisement for the Schools for the Deaf 50th Jubilee, with wine & cheese evening at $10.00; the Saturday fathering at $7.00, and dinner & ball at the Avondale Racecourse at $40.00.
  • Scores from the NZ Deaf Games for the Deaf in Dunedin 1991, with golf, table tennis, basketball and ten pin bowling. Auckland was the winner of the Aotearoa Turi shield.
  • Deaf Organisations
  • TV/Media
Taonga source:
National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, NFDC1992-2-5-MJN
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