HomePublicationsNFD Communicate: December 1995

NFD Communicate: December 1995

Some of the items featured in the December 1995 (Vol. 5, No. 3) Issue of ‘NFD Communicate’:

  • A lobby group ‘Deaf Education Access Forum’ was established with the group’s aim “to ensure that all Deaf and hearing-impaired people have full access to education”.
  • Highlights of the very first Deaf Festival which was a wonderful success with a Deaf Drama competition which had Deaf people asking: What is Deaf culture?
  • A video is being produced for Deaf people in preparation for the 5 March 1996 census. It includes two questions on disability. This is the first time disability issues have been covered in a New Zealand census. 
  • Stories of parents finding out when their children were deaf – such as the Everitts, Holts and Rawlinsons; their approaches to educating their children.
  • The NZ Federation for Deaf Children sell resources, ‘Hand to Hand’ stories told in ‘sign’ by Royce Flynn and Chris Blum.
  • There are now over 60 interpreters and sign language communicators, most of them working part-time, listed with the Deaf Association.
  • Deaf Organisations
  • TV/Media
Taonga source:
National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, NFDC1995-5-3-MJN
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