Northern Deaf XV vs Southern Deaf XV

  • Deaf Sports
Northern Deaf XV vs Southern Deaf XV held at Linton Military Camp near Palmerston North on 31 March 1991.
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Northern Deaf XV vs Southern Deaf XV held at Linton Military Camp near Palmerston North on 31 March 1991, where Northern XV beat Southern XV 26-0. For the first 20 minutes, the game was very even but after that, the Northern Region front row of Joseph Kevin Carroll and Warwick Flintoff gained control, leaving George Hiri at No. 8 to make some good runs resulting in two tries for him. The score at half-time was 10-0. The score at full-time was 26-0.

  • Best back: Laurence Smith
  • Best forward: George Hiri

After the match, people enjoyed dinner at Manawatu Deaf Society.

During the same weekend, after the 15-a-side game, the National Deaf Sevens tournament was also held, where the Southern Zone won on points (Southern: 1 win, 1 draw, Northern 2 points (1 win, 1 loss), Central 1 points (1 draw, 1 loss). The player of the 7-a-side tournament was Rodney Roberts.

Taonga source:
Rodney Roberts
Original format:
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, RR20-01-SPO91
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