Deaf Day Trip to Orewa!

  • Deaf Clubs
During one of the first New Zealand Deaf Sports Convention in Auckland 1952, a group of Deaf take a day trip to Orewa.
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During the first Deaf Sports Convention in Auckland, a group of Deaf hire a bus and make a trip to Orewa, north of Auckland, for a fun picnic and swim. After the bus trip and arriving at the beach, various activities take place – including an impromptu rugby game, swimming, and enjoying a picnic to catch up with old friends. Later, a ‘Bathing Beauties Parade’ is held.

Taonga source:
Auckland Deaf Society
Produced by:
John McRae
Original format:
3" 8mm
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, ADS1314-01-OTH52
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