NZ Deaf News: Spring 1985 (Vol. 22, No. 2)
Some of the items featured in the Spring 1985 (Vol. 22, No. 2) issue of ‘New Zealand Deaf News’:
- The first group of Interpreter Training Course students will graduate on 12 September 1985 after four months training.
- A successful trip for the New Zealanders to the World Deaf Games Los Angeles 1985 with gold and silver medals. At the closing ceremony, Margaret Coutts and John McRae received the CISS flag for safekeeping until Christchurch 1989.
- Hawkes Bay Deaf basketballers in the D Grade won two cups, one in the Winter League Championship and one for Knockout Championship. Ray Forman has been coaching the team for three years.
- The organisers of Telethon 85 in Christchurch invited the Christchurch Deaf Society to participate again; their third Telethon in a row!
- Morris Coutts confirms that New Zeaalnd is hosting the World Deaf Games in Christchurch, and asks for volunteers to help the organising crew to greet, welcome, be friendly and generally assist the 2,000 athletes expected at the games.
- Deaf Organisations
- TV/Media