Where are the deaf children?

  • Deaf Education
This footage appears to be an early attempt in creating an educational filming activity for deaf children at Titirangi School for the Deaf.
HomeVideosWhere are the deaf children?

This 2:26 minute long footage appears to be an early attempt in creating an educational filming activity for deaf children at Titirangi School for the Deaf.

Here, you can see its grounds and its buildings. During 1947, a dormitory and two classrooms which were previously hospital wards for American servicemen were brought from Cornwall Park, One Tree Hill. They were repurposed into classrooms which was a big improvement. The museum rooms became a hall for assemblies, movies, and recreation. In crossing the hill at the end of the footage, you would be at the South Titirangi and Park Road intersection.

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Taonga source:
Susan Hamilton
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, SH29-04-EDU52
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