Deaf Southern Star: 2011 (Vol. 33, No. 4)
Some of the items featured in the St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre’s ‘Deaf Southern Star’ (Vol. 33, No. 4, 2011) newsletter:
- A feature on Sr. Gemma Finlap OP (1931-2011) who taught at St. Dominics from 1969 to 1977. In 1981, she returned to teach until 1988. She also became Acting Principal and later Principal.
- The NZSL Missalette translation project continues to proceed in Auckland. This is the first time that an official NZSL translation of a significant Church document has been undertaken. Members of the Project team are: David Loving-Molloy, Mary Johnson, Jackie Overall, Shona McGhie, Felicity Crowe, Fr. Bruce Bolland, Deacon Nick Bruce, Judith Serfontein.
- A summary of a trip to Samoa for the Oceania Deaf and Disability Forum, with Judith Serfontein, David Loving-Molloy, Evelyn Seymour-East, Nick Bruce, Sue Bruce, Angela Murray attending.
- A St. Dominic’s museum and archive is being set up at the Catholic Deaf Centre to preserve its history.
- Deaf Organisations
- TV/Media