Deaf man misses out on winning a car, claims discrimination

  • TV/Media
Holmes investigates the case of Wallace Williams, an Auckland Deaf man claiming he is being discriminated against. He won a contest at Hunters Plaza in Auckland for a car but was unable to claim the prize at the time because he could not hear the announcement that he was the winner.
HomeVideosDeaf man misses out on winning a car, claims discrimination

Wallace Williams shares his story with Holmes’ reporter Daryll Hutchison, where he has been present at Hunters Plaza, Papatoetoe, Auckland, on all four occasions to be in the running to win a brand new car.

The first three times he attended with his daughter, who would interpret for him. On the last day his daughter could not accompany him. As he was there on his own, he’d asked some bystanders to write down the names being called. Despite his name being called, the bystanders wrote the wrong name by mistake, meaning Wallace did not claim his prize.

Later, after finding out his name had been called, he claimed discrimination as there were no visual aids available for him to know he had won the prize. The owners of Hunters Plaza – Coles Myer, denied the claim. Wallace wants them in future to ensure there are visual aids to enable access.

The Human Rights Act was updated in 1993 to include new domains including disability.

Taonga source:
Television New Zealand Archive
Original format:
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, TVNZ21-01-TV92
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