HomePublicationsNZ Deaf News: 1972 (Vol. 9, No. 3)

NZ Deaf News: 1972 (Vol. 9, No. 3)

Some of the items featured in the 1972 (Vol. 9, No. 3) issue of ‘New Zealand Deaf News’:

  • The ADS annual ball consisted of a ‘Grandmother of the Year’ contest. There were 10 contestants and the winner was popular Kath French. 
  • 12 Deaf Americans visited ADS on 28 August and were greeted by a haka led by John Keogh. 
  • Waikato Deaf Club celebrated its 16th anniversary with a dine and wine at the Chelsea Lounge in Hamilton. 
  • Joan Bailey showed members of Manawatu Deaf Society some films she had taken at the St Dominics Gala Day, Parents of Deaf Children Association picnic and last year’s Deaf Convention. 
  • Christchurch Deaf Club celebrates its Golden Jubilee! There were 9 foundation members and two are still alive. Celebrations were held over Queens Birthday weekend, with a cocktail bar set up at the carpark under the clubrooms. 
  • A new national body called the ‘NZ Deaf Communications Network Inc’ was formed in preparation for the arrival of TTYs.
  • Deaf Organisations
  • TV/Media
Taonga source:
New Zealand Deaf News
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, DN1972-9-3-MJN
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