HomeArticlesBig sporting event on shoestring budget

Big sporting event on shoestring budget

The Games will be about the same size as the 1974 sporting extravaganza in Christchurch, the Commonwealth Games. Yet it has been orchestrated on a budget of $700,000 – about one-third of the cost of the opening ceremony planned for the 1990 Commonwealth Games in Auckland.

  • Deaf Sports
  • TV/Media
NZSL story – Taonga source: Janet Watt

Teaching sign language in preparation for the Christchurch 1989 World Deaf Games

Once New Zealand was awarded the host of the XVIth World Deaf Games at Los Angeles 1985, there was a realisation that sign language classes needed to commence in preparation for Christchurch 1989.
Taonga source:
The Press
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, A1989-033
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