HomePublicationsNFD Journal: December 1989 (Vol. 3, No. 4)

NFD Journal: December 1989 (Vol. 3, No. 4)

Some of the items featured in the December 1989 issue of ‘NFD Journal:

  • NZAD looks at setting up NZSL Courses throughout NZ, with Deaf people teaching their language.
  • Ansett New Zealand offers a 25% discount on their standard airfares for people affiliated to an organisation for the Deaf.
  • Angela Sew Hoy packs her skis, prepared to fly to Colorado as part of New Zealand’s Disabled Ski Team for the World Disabled Alpine Ski Championships.
  • Mandy Jones, a large 1m high puppet, is touring New Zealand as part of the ‘Kids on the Block’ programme. She is ‘Deaf’ and uses sign language, with her hands designed so the puppeteer can slip inside the gloved hands. Mandy teaches how to sign ‘Happy Birthday’.
  • TVNZ advertisement – it imports 600 hours of subtitled programmes per year, with TVNZ adding subtitles to another 150 hours per year.
  • Deirdre Ward, Polytechnic Resource Teacher for Hearing Impaired Students, runs Australasian Sign Language and Total Communication courses for students/tutors and allied staff at the polytechnics. 
  • NFD has “received no news of the NZDSA 33rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf as yet. Come on NZDSA you can do better than this, share your fun and games.”
  • Deaf Organisations
  • TV/Media
Taonga source:
National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, NFDJ1989-3-4-MJN
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