Memories of Ivan and Hilda Tamepo

  • People
  • Turi Māori
In an open and touching interview, Ivan and Hilda tell their tales of growing up in New Zealand, and look back on photos from their deaf schooling years.
HomeVideosMemories of Ivan and Hilda Tamepo

A shared interview with Ivan and Hilda Tamepo, husband and wife, talking about life growing up deaf in New Zealand. Ivan speaks of his life working on farms, shearing sheep and working at Auckland Airport. Follow them down memory lane as both Ivan and Hilda reminisce over old photos from their childhood and life at school, and tales of getting in trouble and trying to blame their siblings!

NZSL story – Taonga source: Patreena Bryan

Titirangi School for the Deaf: Going home for the holidays

Patreena Bryan, an ex-Titirangi School for the Deaf student reminisces when students would be going home for the holidays, and how they'd all wake up at 5am in excitement for the day (and holidays) ahead!
Taonga source:
AUT Visual Languages Section
Original format:
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, AUT006-01-LS00
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