Memories of Ray and Polly Forman

  • People
Ray Forman and Polly Karaka both talk about bits and pieces of their life. Ray talks about being “kicked out” of Sumner as the New Zealand army occupied the school during the World War II.
HomeVideosMemories of Ray and Polly Forman

Raymond (Ray) Forman, born 1926, and Polly (Paretutanganui) Forman (nee Karaka), born 1932, are both filmed at their home in Napier on 28 June 2000. Both talk about bits and piece of their life at Sumner and in the New Zealand Deaf community. Ray talks about being “kicked out” of Sumner as the New Zealand army occupied the school during the World War II. The Boys’ House became a soldiers’ dormitory. Ray says that life was tough at the time with no sugar available for example, and the evenings were dark without electricity.

Polly, a honorary mother of the Hawkes Bay Deaf Community, became deaf later in life. She went on to play in the basketball A division in Wellington (hearing team). She also worked as a cleaner at Titirangi. Polly and Ray were heavily involved in the Hawkes Bay Deaf Club, setting it up three years after their marriage, calling it their ‘home’. Polly passed away on 20 September 2014, in her 83rd year.

Ray was selected in the New Zealand basketball team, along with his Deaf older brother Merv. They played in the 10th World Deaf Games in Washington, USA in 1965. Ray said that the New Zealand team were largely oral in comparison to the Deaf Americans.

Taonga source:
Dorothy Jones
Original format:
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, DJ55-02-LS00
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