Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball 25th Jubilee: Social dance at Armagh Street Clubroom

  • Deaf Clubs
  • Deaf Sports
The Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club, established in 1951, celebrates their 25th Jubilee on Saturday 31 July, 1976 – with a game between old previous members versus young current members, before a social dance evening at the Armagh Street clubroom.
HomeVideosChristchurch Deaf Club Basketball 25th Jubilee: Social dance at Armagh Street Clubroom

The Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club, established in 1951, celebrated their 25th Jubilee on Saturday 31st  July 1976. Earlier that day, there was a game between senior previous members versus young current members. That evening there was a social dance at the Armagh Street clubroom. Filmed by Desmond Allen.

Taonga source:
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Produced by:
Desmond Allen
Original format:
400ft 8mm
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, DSC17-05-DC76
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