NFD Communicate: June 1992
Some of the items featured in the June 1992 (Vol 6. No. 2) issue of ‘NFD Communicate’:
- Hilary McCormack’s article ‘The case for special schools’ calls Van Asch College (previously Sumner School for the Deaf “a silly name for a primary school and commemorating a person who wholly rejected the native sign language of the Deaf”.
- Leila Monaghan is currently carrying out research on Deaf Culture, History and Language for a book about Deaf people in New Zealand.
- An obituary for Malcolm Ward who passed away in 1992. A memorial service was held at the Christchurch Deaf Society Clubrooms on 29 April 1992 for Malcolm’s family and friends.
- Research is being carried out by the Otago Medical School on recessive Deafness genes, with Denise Powell as a research assistant.
- NFD announces a major sponsorship from Telecom for a two-year awareness and fundraising programme, on the causes and prevention of deafness and the services available to people with a hearing loss.
- New CEO for NZAD, with Tricia Fitzgerald taking up the position.
- NZSL Dictionary – copies of a prototype with around 140 signs were sent out to Deaf Clubs and NZAD offices. People were asked to complete a questionnaire to tell the editors what they thought of the prototype, with 100 respondents.
- The opening of the Otago Deaf Centre at 68 Manor Place, Dunedin.
Note: This issue was printed as Vol 6, No 6 in error.
- Deaf Organisations
- TV/Media