NZ Deaf News: December 1981 (Vol. 19, No. 4)
Some of the items featured in the December 1981 (Vol. 11, No. 3) issue of ‘New Zealand Deaf News’:
- Players are selected for the third Trans-Tasman Games, to be held in Australia after Christmas (27 December 1981 to 11 January 1982).
- Meeting with Gallaudet College specialists, who spoke to NZAD and Deaf Clubs all around New Zeland, who recommended that New Zealand look at a full time Executive Director or Secretary (of NZAD), a leadership training programme, training of interpreters and study of NZSL.
- An article on John Rua and his carving at the Artists Quarter in Christchurch.
- A dinner was held at the Town House Hotel to celebrate the 21st birthday of the formation of Otago Deaf Society.
- Results from the 26th New Zealand Deaf Sports Convention held in Palmerston North.
- Pat Dugdale talks about her five months as Field Officer in Wellington.
- Deaf Organisations
- TV/Media