Māori Deaf join foreshore hīkoi

  • Turi Māori
Māori Deaf participating in a hīkoi (protest march) in support of Māori claims of ownership of the New Zealand foreshore and seabed.
HomeVideosMāori Deaf join foreshore hīkoi

Edited raw footage of professionally shot coverage of Māori Deaf participating in a hīkoi (protest march) in support of Māori claims of ownership of the New Zealand foreshore and seabed. This appears to be the second hīkoi which took place on Saturday 16th October 2004.

Māori Deaf assembled at 9:00am at Mayoral Drive Auckland with the hīkoi commencing at 10:00am. The hīkoi route went down Queen Street, Customs Street, Quay Street, Tamaki Drive (escort by waka taua), then up Kitemoana Street to Orakei Marae (Bastion Point). Parking at Bastion Point. Shuttle service was provided back to Mayoral Drive.

FYI: SignDNA is largely dependent on volunteers, and only audio content has been captioned. If you think the translation/captions can be improved, please let us know. Feedback is welcomed.

Taonga source:
Rūaumoko Komiti
Produced by:
Māori Television
Original format:
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, RUA03-01-MD04
This item has been compressed and/or edited.