Patrick Thompson’s ‘Te Hēteri’ interview – unedited footage

  • Turi Māori
  • TV/Media
Unedited footage of Patrick Thompson’s ‘Te Hēteri’ interview at the famed Star Sign Cafe on Auckland’s Dominion Road in 2004.
HomeVideosPatrick Thompson’s ‘Te Hēteri’ interview – unedited footage

As part of a documentary on Māori Deaf, ‘Te Hēteri’, a programme screened by Māori TV, met with Māori Deaf over several occasions, specifically shadowing Patrick Thompson.

This unedited footage is from one of those occasions, where Patrick met with the journalist Erana, and communicator Tania Simon, at the famed Star Sign Cafe on Auckland’s Dominion Road where there are some glimpses of behind the scenes action. They both then go to St Lukes Shopping Centre, where Patrick catches up with Hemi Hema from Christchurch via Telecom’s ‘Keep in Touch’ screens.

See The Experiences of Māori Deaf for the televised documentary.

Please note: No captions available between 31:09 and 31:49 as there is no audio during that time.

Taonga source:
Rūaumoko Komiti
Produced by:
Māori Television
Original format:
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, RUA07-01-MD04
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