Images – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts
Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Sports Team – Malmo, Sweden, July 1973
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: February 1984
article – Taonga source: Christchurch Star
Here’s to Games
Three officials of the World Games for the Deaf pause to toast the success of the venture, as teams from more than 30 countries arrive in Christchurch.
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society
Deaf athletes visit Disneyland en route to the World Games for the Deaf in Köln!
New Zealand athletes stopover at Los Angeles on the way to the World Games for the Deaf in Köln, and make the most of the trip with a visit to Disneyland!
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
Opening ceremony of the VX World Games for the Deaf
New Zealand sends 30 athletes to the 15th World Games for the Deaf in Los Angeles, with footage of the opening ceremony. The flagbearer for New Zealand was John Ooteman, with Susie Ovens carrying the kiwi mascot. The Gallaudet Dance Company also put on a performance. Footage shows a fly by with a sign saying ‘WELCOME WORLD GAMES FOR THE DEAF’.
publication – Taonga source: Shona McGhie
VXIth World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch: 7-17 January 1989
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society
16th World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch
Opening ceremony and events at the 16th World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch 1989.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Summer 1963-64 (Vol. 1, No. 2)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: 1969 (Vol. 6, No. 3)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Spring/Summer 1990/91 (Vol. 24. No. 2)
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Communicate: December 1995
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: June 1984 (Vol. 21, No. 2)
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
Los Angeles 1985: An update from the team manager with team results
The New Zealand team manager, Tony Walton, reports on the team’s results at the Los Angeles 1985 World Deaf Games including where the team stayed and played at.
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
Engine issue delays the New Zealand team’s journey to Los Angeles
Narrated by Tony Walton, the New Zealand team’s plans are disrupted two hours into their flight with an engine problem. They are forced to return back to Auckland.
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society
World Deaf Games, Köln 1981
New Zealand team goes to XIV World Games for the Deaf in Köln, Germany in 1981.
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
Medal ceremony: Our badminton champions collect their medals!
It’s not often we get to see four New Zealanders on the podium at the same time, and that is what we get in this video! It's most certainly time to break out the champagne when the team gets back to their base with a speech by the team manager.
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
And the gold goes to John Ooteman!
Dressed in jandals, John Ooteman takes to the podium for his gold medal in the 35 km time trial, supported by a crew of New Zealand supporters.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: 1970 (Vol. 7, No. 3)
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
Auckland gives the New Zealand Deaf team a proper send off!
The New Zealand Deaf team marched on Dominion Road, accompanied by police, with farewell speeches at Auckland Deaf Society before departing for the 15th World Games for the Deaf in Los Angeles.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: 1973 (Vol. 10, No. 4)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: October 1982 (Vol. 19, No. 3)
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Sports Team, 1981
article – Taonga source: Unknown
Twenty First Deaf Sports Convention
This month, the Manawatu Deaf Club will again host the Annual New Zealand Deaf Convention. It will be the twenty-first with over 200 people competing. 160-170 will be from Auckland, Waikato, Taranaki, Wellington, Christchurch and Southland. Local competitors make up the total.
article – Taonga source: The Press.
Deaf community was home for Margaret Coutts
An obituary on Margaret Coutts who was "the mother of deaf sports", an active leader and strong positive role-model to younger members of the Deaf community. She was the first female president of the Christchurch Deaf Club, and was awarded a NZ Commemoration Medal for her contributions in 1990.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: March 1976 (Vol. 13, No. 4)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Spring 1965 (Vol. 3, No. 1)
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman
Trans-Tasman Games 1979 – Basketball
The Australian and New Zealand Deaf men play basketball at the Trans-Tasman Games, held at Lincoln College, Canterbury in January 1979.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: January 1983 (Vol. 20, No. 1)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: October 1983 (Vol. 20, No. 4)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Autumn/Winter 1990 (Vol. 24, No. 1)
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Communicate: December 1991
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Spring 1985 (Vol. 22, No. 2)
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Journal: June 1990 (Vol. 4, No. 2)
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman
NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Palmerston North 1976
The Christchurch team travel to Palmerston North for the NZ Deaf Sports Convention on Labour Weekend, 1976.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: 1973 (Vol. 10, No. 3)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
New Zealand Deaf News: Winter 1989 (Vol. 23. No. 2)
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury
Lawn Bowls prizegiving at Christchurch Deaf Society
The Christchurch Deaf Lawn Bowls Club organises its annual prizegiving, with lunch and drinks at Christchurch Deaf Society, on 6th October 1993.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Summer 1966-67 (Vol. 4, No. 2)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: June 1981 (Vol. 18, No. 2)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: December 1981 (Vol. 19, No. 4)
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: October 1989
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Spring 1989 (Vol. 23, No. 3)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Spring 1966 (Vol. 4, No. 1)
article – Taonga source: The Press
Deaf athletes will be out to win medals
The vice-chairman of the organising committee, Mrs Margaret Coutts, said yesterday "for two weeks there will be more deaf people on the street than hearing people. My heart is filled with gold because of the very big turn out – there are more athletes here than at the previous World Games in America (in 1985)."
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Journal: April 1987 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
New Zealanders compete in the cycling individual time trial event
New Zealanders, Hayden Costar and John Ooteman compete in the cycling individual time trial event. John won a gold medal in the 35km time trial with 51:10 minutes.
video – Taonga source: Deaf Aotearoa
Opening of the Bruce McHattie House
The ceremony and speeches to open McHattie House, used as the national office for NZAD.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Journal: December 1988 (Vol. 2, No. 4)
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury
Japanese Deaf group visits Christchurch Deaf Club
It's a Friday evening and the Christchurch Deaf Club is where its happening! A tour group of 24 Deaf Japanese visitors make CDC a must-visit on their New Zealand itinerary.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: March 1983 (Vol. 20, No. 2)
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman
Sumner School for the Deaf 100 Years Centenary celebration
Footage by Sue Penman, of members of the Deaf community and their families attending the centenary celebrations at Sumner School for the Deaf, and taking a tour of the school.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Journal: March 1991 (Vol. 5, No. 1)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Spring 1963 (Vol. 1, No. 1)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: July 1983
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society
38th New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, Labour Weekend 1995
publication – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts
New Zealand Deaf Sports Team: XVIth World Games for the Deaf
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Winter 1986 (Vol. 22. No. 4)
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society
33rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, 19-23 October 1989
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: September 1980 (Vol. 17, No. 5)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Spring 1984 (Vol. 21, No. 3)
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society
WDG Köln 1981 team returns home
The NZ team returns from the XIV World Games for the Deaf, Köln, Germany 1981.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: 1973 (Vol. 10, No. 2)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Autumn 1985 (Vol. 22, No. 1)
article – Taonga source: The Press
Big sporting event on shoestring budget
The Games will be about the same size as the 1974 sporting extravaganza in Christchurch, the Commonwealth Games. Yet it has been orchestrated on a budget of $700,000 – about one-third of the cost of the opening ceremony planned for the 1990 Commonwealth Games in Auckland.
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Winter 1965 (Vol. 2, No. 4)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: May 1980 (Vol. 17, No. 4)
Images – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts
New Zealand Deaf Amateur Sports Association, Executive Council Members, 1987-1989
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury
Black and White Fancy Dress Fundraiser for 1989 WGD Christchurch
The Black and White themed Fancy Dress party at Christchurch Deaf Society on 28th May 1988 was a fundraiser for the World Games for the Deaf. Creative members dressed-up as prisoners, punk rockers, Spanish costume dress with bolero, nuns, waitresses, and rugby league players!
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Journal: September 1988 (Vol. 2, No. 3)
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: 1973 (Vol. 10, No. 1)
video – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society
New Zealanders at the World Deaf Games in Köln
Footage of the World Deaf Games in Köln, of New Zealanders in action. Two New Zealand athletes won medals at the games.
publication – Taonga source: National Foundation for Deaf and Hard of Hearing
NFD Communicate: June 1993
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Summer 1986 (Vol. 22, No. 3)
article – Taonga source: The Evening Post
Team wins at contest just by taking part
The four skipped by Margaret Coutts lost both matches at the national women's bowls tournament in Wellington yesterday. But they didn't mind.
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts
Wrap-up Christmas party at Deaf Society of Canterbury
Deaf Society of Canterbury on Armagh Street celebrates the end of 1990 with a wrap-up Christmas party, and a few speeches!
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: December 1980 (Vol. 17, No. 6)
Images – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts
Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Sports Team, Los Angeles 1985
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
NZ Deaf News: Winter 1964 (Vol. 1, No. 4)
video – Taonga source: Tony Walton
New Zealand delegates attend CISS meeting
The two New Zealand delegates, John McRae and Margaret Coutts, attend the CISS (Comité International des Sports des Sourds) meeting whilst at the Los Angeles World Games of the Deaf.