HomePublicationsEphpheta: June 1981 (Vol. 4, No. 2)

Ephpheta: June 1981 (Vol. 4, No. 2)

Some of the items featured in ‘Ephpheta: June 1981 (Vol. 4, No. 2)’:

  • The N.Z. Catholic Education Council held its Annual General Meeting and Danny Beech attended as a representative of the Auckland Catholic Deaf Association. This is the first time a deaf person has attended the meeting and Danny thought it was appropriate that it should happen during the International Year of Disabled Persons. 
  • A copy of Father John McAlpine’s Address at St Matthew’s in-the-city on April 26 1981 to mark the beginning of Deaf Awareness Week.
  • The Manawatu Catholic Deaf Association also held its AGM at Brian Henry’s place, with a new committee. There was a duck shooting session at Phonse Carroll’s farm, and over a hundred ducks were shot.
  • For the IYDP, a marathon was organised from the North Cape and Bluff, meeting up in Wellington with a petition to be handed to the Government. David Hendry was privileged to be asked to represent the deaf people of Auckland.
  • Deaf Organisations
  • TV/Media
Taonga source:
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, CDC1981-4-2-MJN
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