Ephpheta: Christmas 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 4)
Some of the items featured in ‘Ephpheta: Christmas 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 4)’:
- Margaret Tippett went up to Auckland in August, staying at the Marcellin Hall, to do a ‘Renewal in Christ’ residential course.
- Sister Dominic will be taking sabbatical leave in 1984.
- An update from John Ooteman in Feilding, who works in Palmerston North. He leaves home at 6.45am and cycles from Feilding to Palmerston North daily. It does not take him long. He also competed in the 6 day Dulux Cycling Race from Auckland to Wellington. He finished 15th out of 34 cyclists (66 starters).
- Ken Brain re-covered the lounge suite for the Dominican Sisters in Blockhouse Bay. They are very pleased with it. Ken has promised to take the Sisters fishing and they are looking forward to that
- Deaf Education
- TV/Media