HomePublicationsEphpheta: Easter 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 1)

Ephpheta: Easter 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 1)

Some of the items featured in ‘Ephpheta: Easter 1983 (Vol. 6, No. 1)’:

  • The new editor of Ephpheta is Lorraine Nilsson who is happy to be the new editor for the magazine which is in its sixth year of publication. Kelly Quirke designed the front cover of this issue. 
  • June Whiting writes, ‘For the past year I have been a voluntary social worker for the N.Z.A.D. in conjunction with the Department of Social Welfare and find helping deaf people in their needs a worthwhile cause.’
  • St Dominic’s Gala Day was held on 5 March; there was a big crowd on the day.
  • Deaf Organisations
  • TV/Media
Taonga source:
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, CDC1983-6-1-MJN
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