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video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

Sumner School for the Deaf 100 Years Centenary celebration

Footage by Sue Penman, of members of the Deaf community and their families attending the centenary celebrations at Sumner School for the Deaf, and taking a tour of the school.
Sue Penman
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club picnic at Amberley: Summer 1985

Christchurch Deaf Club hosted its annual picnic at Amberley, north of Christchurch. As usual, there are games aplenty, with the Amberley swimming pool a perfect location to cool off.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Winter 1986 (Vol. 22. No. 4)

publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

33rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, 19-23 October 1989

Wellington Deaf Society
article – Taonga source: The Press

Deaf field officer for Christchurch

A field officer for the deaf, Mr David Chilwell, a former president of the Christchurch Deaf Club, has been appointed in Christchurch as a result of a grant from the Lottery Funds Board.
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Palmerston North 1976

The Christchurch team travel to Palmerston North for the NZ Deaf Sports Convention on Labour Weekend, 1976.
Sue Penman
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: June 1981 (Vol. 18, No. 2)

article – Taonga source: AID Magazine

Deaf field officers – their disability is their qualification

In the past 18 months, the NZAD has opened field offices in Auckland, Christchurch and Wellington, and hopes soon to establish two more in Nelson and Dunedin.