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video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

‘An Oriental Evening’: Golf Club fundraiser

The Christchurch Golf Club hosts a fundraiser at the Armagh Street Clubrooms, organising a social evening - with participants encouraged to come in Chinese Fancy Dress. Origami folding and calligraphy were some of the games on the night. Watch to see who won the compulsory fancy-dress parade!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Deaf men chat outside Auckland Deaf Society clubrooms

A group of men from the ADS basketball club are seen chatting outside the Auckland Deaf Society Clubrooms.
Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1971 (Vol. 8, No. 1)

video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club: Shipwreck Fancy Dress Party, 20 April 1991

A shipwreck themed fancy dress party – a basketball fundraiser – was organised by the Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club. There are pirates aplenty and dress parades with the best dressed going to Graham Hammond and Joyce Ferguson.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Wrap-up Christmas party at Deaf Society of Canterbury

Deaf Society of Canterbury on Armagh Street celebrates the end of 1990 with a wrap-up Christmas party, and a few speeches!
Rodney Roberts
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1963-64 (Vol. 1, No. 2)

NZSL Stories
  • John Hunt
video – Taonga source: Owen Gibbons

Christchurch Deaf men with (and on) their bicycles

Black and white footage of a group of Christchurch Deaf men with their bicycles chatting to the camera excitedly before riding on the road, and signing at the same time!
Owen Gibbons
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

A Friday evening at Christchurch Deaf Society

Members hustle and bustle around the Deaf Club’s kitchen on a Friday evening, taking care of orders, cooking, and payments - back in the days when meals were $5.00 and cans were only $1!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Past and current Christchurch Deaf Club basketball players face-off for a game

Established in 1951, the Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club celebrated their 25th Jubilee on Saturday 31 July 1976. The day kickstarts with a game between past players – in blue tops – versus current players – in yellow tops. There was also a social dance held that evening.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Lawn Bowls prizegiving at Christchurch Deaf Society

The Christchurch Deaf Lawn Bowls Club organises its annual prizegiving, with lunch and drinks at Christchurch Deaf Society, on 6th October 1993.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Basketball finals pull in the crowds at the NZ Deaf Games, Christchurch 1987

The popular basketball programme was hosted over two days at Cowles Stadium with footage coverage of the Manawatu and Christchurch ladies competing for the Otago Deaf Society Cup, which Manawatu won (19-15). The winner of the Cunliffe Memorial Cup (men’s) went to Christchurch, with the runner up Wellington (63-56).
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Owen Gibbons

Socialising at Labour Weekend Wellington 1954

Athletes and spectators take a day out from the sporting competition to have fun in Wellington, 1954.
Owen Gibbons
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Japanese Deaf group visits Christchurch Deaf Club

It's a Friday evening and the Christchurch Deaf Club is where its happening! A tour group of 24 Deaf Japanese visitors make CDC a must-visit on their New Zealand itinerary.
Deaf Society of Canterbury