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Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, Winners 15th National Deaf Rugby Inter-Zonal Championship, 2008

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Rugby Union, 2001

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Images – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf Rugby

Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Rugby Football Union, New Zealand v South Africa, 1995

New Zealand Deaf Rugby
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Absolutely Positively Windy Deaf: May 2015

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club picnic at Amberley: Summer 1985

Christchurch Deaf Club hosted its annual picnic at Amberley, north of Christchurch. As usual, there are games aplenty, with the Amberley swimming pool a perfect location to cool off.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Canterbury Annual Deaf Picnic 1977

Members of the Canterbury Deaf community make for a picnic on a lovely day, with tug-o-war and running races.
Dennis Tod
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Wellington/Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, 2001

Clive Morgan
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Using sign language as a family

The Fergusons are an average family of five who have fun, sometimes fight but mostly get along. The main difference is that three of them are deaf, and NZSL is the first language for the whole family. How does this work in a busy household with two teens and a toddler? We spend a few days with the Fergusons and discover it works remarkably well. Especially for the eldest Zoe who is exploring advocating for New Zealand deaf youth.
Attitude Pictures
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, 2003

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
article – Taonga source: Nelson Mail.

Alarm at cuts in support services for Nelson deaf community

Members of Nelson's deaf community say cutbacks in support services from Deaf Aotearoa have left them without access to crucial interpreting help, leaving some in vulnerable situations.
Nelson Mail.
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Christchurch Deaf Club picnic at Diamond Harbour 1979

The Christchurch Deaf Club members have a picnic at Diamond Harbour, with traditional sports and activities.
Dennis Tod
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Christchurch WGD Men’s Basketball Final

Crowd based footage of the Men’s Basketball final at the 1989 World Games for the Deaf in Christchurch, which USA won 127-56. This footage includes the warm up, edited highlights of the match, medal ceremony, team photos, and post-match socialising.
Rodney Roberts
video – Taonga source: Inside Out

Deaf Blacks players to tour Wales selected at the 1998 National Deaf Rugby Interzonal Championship

The deciding match of the 1998 National Deaf Rugby Interzonal Championship played in Wellington over Easter weekend, and cementing a place in the New Zealand Deaf team that toured Wales in November 1998.
Inside Out
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Central Zone holds onto the Shield!

Footage of all three men's games of the 2000 National Deaf Rugby Championships at the Canterbury Rugby League Stadium, combined into one clip. Includes pre-match Deaf cheerleading display.
Rodney Roberts
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club: Shipwreck Fancy Dress Party, 20 April 1991

A shipwreck themed fancy dress party – a basketball fundraiser – was organised by the Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club. There are pirates aplenty and dress parades with the best dressed going to Graham Hammond and Joyce Ferguson.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan

Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, Cunniffe Memorial Cup Winners 2002

Clive Morgan
Images – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf Rugby

Team Photo: National Deaf Sevens Tournament, 1992

New Zealand Deaf Rugby
video – Taonga source: Handmade Productions Aotearoa

Sign of the Times: The Story of New Zealand’s Visual Language

In April 2006, New Zealand Parliament declared NZSL to be an official language - the culmination of a 20-year battle by the deaf community, and a true hallmark in the recognition of their native language. 'Sign of the Times' is about the deaf New Zealanders who fought to have their language recognised as a real language and as a viable means of communication. The film documents the community's celebration of the official recognition of their language and looks at the community's ongoing hopes and aspirations for their language and culture.
Handmade Productions Aotearoa
Est. 2000
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Tony Walton Sportsperson of the Year

Wellington Deaf Society
Est. 1980
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society’s Most Popular Member of the Year

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Travelling with sign language

Last week we met the Fergusons, a family of five who communicate using NZSL. Here, we join the Fergusons on their trip of a lifetime attending the World Federation of the Deaf Congress — in Paris.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Good old fashioned fun at the Christchurch Deaf Society’s picnic

Footage of the 1991 Christchurch Deaf Society's picnic day held at Spencer Park. On a progressively windy day the local Deaf community gathered to enjoy traditional Deaf community games including tug-of-war, egg throwing, welly throwing, and some less common games such as a dress-up relay.
Rodney Roberts
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Second National Deaf Sevens tournament

The second National Deaf Sevens tournament was held at the Linton Military Camp, located just south of Palmerston North, where the Central boys won a points-based competition.
Rodney Roberts
Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union

Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union 2000, National Deaf Rugby Inter-Zone Championship Tournament Winners, 2000

Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
video – Taonga source: Richard Peri

Second test: New Zealand Deaf vs South Africa

The first ever International Deaf Rugby Test Series was held in New Zealand in 1995 between New Zealand and South Africa. South Africa won the series 2-1.
Richard Peri