HomeImagesTeam Photo: Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, Cunniffe Memorial Cup Winners 2002

Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, Cunniffe Memorial Cup Winners 2002

CENTRAL DISTRICTS DEAF MEN’S BASKETBALL TEAM 2002; Cunniffe Memorial Cup Winners; Central 88 beat Northern 23. 43rd N.Z. Games for the Deaf Trophies; The Katu Cup: Outstanding Coach of the Tournament, Basketball ROSS FREEMANTLE; B. W. Clews Trophy, Outstanding Men’s Basketball Player: CLIVE MORGAN; Kay Cup, Most Outstanding Sports Person: CLIVE MORGAN. Back Row: SEAN TURNER (Team Manager), MURRAY SPEERS, TONY KUKLINSKI, DANIEL KUKLINSKI (Manager). Front row: TRENT BELL, CHRIS ULU, CLIVE MORGAN (Captain), ROSS FREEMANTLE (Coach/Player), JOHN BENNETT. Absent: OLIVER FERGUSON.

  • Deaf Clubs
  • Deaf Sports
Taonga source:
Clive Morgan
Reference number:
SignDNA – Deaf National Archive New Zealand, 2002-P001-CM
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