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video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

A Friday evening at Christchurch Deaf Society

Members hustle and bustle around the Deaf Club’s kitchen on a Friday evening, taking care of orders, cooking, and payments - back in the days when meals were $5.00 and cans were only $1!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

First National Deaf Womens’ Sevens Tournament

On an Easter Friday afternoon, 22 April 2000, for the first time in history the National Deaf Women’s Seven Tournament was played between the Southern and Central teams at the Canterbury Rugby League Stadium.
Rodney Roberts
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Old-Time Fancy Dress party, Christchurch 1979

A fancy dress party is held at the Canterbury Deaf Society’s clubrooms.
Dennis Tod
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Social Evening: Wrapping up the 32nd NZ Games for the Deaf

The 32nd New Zealand Games for the Deaf wrapped up with a presentation dinner-and-dance evening at Addington Raceway’s ‘Twiggers’ on Sunday 25th October 1987. A jam-packed evening with plenty of talking, sitting down, a buffet meal, dancing to live music, and group photos, with the venue closing 1.30am!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club picnic at Amberley: Summer 1985

Christchurch Deaf Club hosted its annual picnic at Amberley, north of Christchurch. As usual, there are games aplenty, with the Amberley swimming pool a perfect location to cool off.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: Shona McGhie

VXIth World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch: 7-17 January 1989

Shona McGhie
NZSL Stories
  • Janet Watt
video – Taonga source: Māori Television

Deaf filmmaker aspires to make TV series in sign language

A turi (deaf) filmmaker hopes to create a TV series entirely in NZSL to showcase the language to the world. Jared Flitcroft (Ngāti Maniapoto) enjoys telling stories from all kinds of people and perspectives but says stories from the Māori deaf community are imperative.
Māori Television
video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts

Central Zone holds onto the Shield!

Footage of all three men's games of the 2000 National Deaf Rugby Championships at the Canterbury Rugby League Stadium, combined into one clip. Includes pre-match Deaf cheerleading display.
Rodney Roberts
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Japanese Deaf group visits Christchurch Deaf Club

It's a Friday evening and the Christchurch Deaf Club is where its happening! A tour group of 24 Deaf Japanese visitors make CDC a must-visit on their New Zealand itinerary.
Deaf Society of Canterbury