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publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Summer 1963-64 (Vol. 1, No. 2)

video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Christchurch Basketball and Netball teams leave for Greymouth

The Christchurch Deaf Mens Basketball team travel to Greymouth, accompanied by the Deaf netball team.
Dennis Tod
publication – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society newsletter: May 1990

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball: Farewell & Awards party

A farewell party and awards evening is hosted by the Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball Club, with awards and prizes given out by Peter Downie.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

33rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, 19-23 October 1989

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Basketball: A trip to Westport

The Christchurch Deaf Club basketball team travels to Westport during Queen’s Birthday weekend 1975 to participate in the Matai Invitation Tournament. Games are played at the Westport Community Hall. Footage covers players travelling to the West Coast via cars, with a few stops on the way, and a compulsory stop at the pub!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

‘An Oriental Evening’: Golf Club fundraiser

The Christchurch Golf Club hosts a fundraiser at the Armagh Street Clubrooms, organising a social evening - with participants encouraged to come in Chinese Fancy Dress. Origami folding and calligraphy were some of the games on the night. Watch to see who won the compulsory fancy-dress parade!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

38th New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, Labour Weekend 1995

Wellington Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Canterbury Annual Deaf Picnic 1977

Members of the Canterbury Deaf community make for a picnic on a lovely day, with tug-o-war and running races.
Dennis Tod
video – Taonga source: Sue Penman

‘Deaf boys’ picnic at Spencer Park

Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball ‘Deaf Boys’ Picnic at Spencer Park, Sunday 13th March 1977.
Sue Penman
video – Taonga source: Dennis Tod

Old-Time Fancy Dress party, Christchurch 1979

A fancy dress party is held at the Canterbury Deaf Society’s clubrooms.
Dennis Tod
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Canterbury Deaf Club teams travel to Greymouth

The Canterbury Deaf Club Basketball & Netball teams travels to Greymouth, with the ‘Deaf Boys’ playing against the ‘Hot Shots’ and winning 67-54.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Past and current Christchurch Deaf Club basketball players face-off for a game

Established in 1951, the Christchurch Deaf Basketball Club celebrated their 25th Jubilee on Saturday 31 July 1976. The day kickstarts with a game between past players – in blue tops – versus current players – in yellow tops. There was also a social dance held that evening.
Deaf Society of Canterbury
video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury

Christchurch Deaf Club Basketball Club visits Hokitika, June 1976

The Christchurch Deaf Club basketball team plays a match in Hokitika in June 1976 versus a hearing team. Geoff Harker’s arm injury is a hot topic of discussion that weekend!
Deaf Society of Canterbury
publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

43rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, 24-28 October 2002

Wellington Deaf Society