Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Central Indoor Netball, 46th New Zealand Deaf Games, Dunedin 2006

article – Taonga source: Unknown
Passage to India a thrill for Kiwis
After having the rug pulled from under them four years ago, the New Zealand deaf cricket team heads to India today for the World Cup.

video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton
Sports Day at Kelston School for the Deaf
The School for Deaf annual sports day is held at Kelston with athletics, long jumping, relay races and performances.

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Wellington/Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, 2001

video – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society
3rd National Deaf Youth Camp, 2008
The Wellington Deaf Youth Group organizes the 3rd National Deaf Youth Camp – a five-day camp in Hastings. The theme of the camp is UNITY.

Est. 1980
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society
Wellington Deaf Society’s Most Popular Member of the Year

video – Taonga source: Sara Pivac Alexander
Asia-Pacific Deaf Youth Camp, 2002
The 2nd Asia Pacific Deaf Youth camp (APDYC) held at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre in Turangi is featured on ‘Inside Out’. Altogether, there were 43 Deaf youths from 12 countries, 15 youth leaders, 10 interpreters and a couple of guest speakers.

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, Cunniffe Memorial Cup Winners 2002

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Central Men Basketball, 46th New Zealand Deaf Games, Dunedin 2006

publication – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society
43rd New Zealand Games for the Deaf: Wellington, 24-28 October 2002

article – Taonga source: Unknown
Sign of the times
Kirsten, John and Shannon are over the moon at the recognition of New Zealand Sign Language. "It was the best day for the deaf community; it felt awesome to be a part of the process and support it all the way."

video – Taonga source: Jared Flitcroft
Our Second Home: Wellington Deaf Club
The Wellington Deaf Club is a place where Deaf and hearing alike go to relax, take a break from the ‘outside’ world and communicate in a language that is loud. Jared Flitcroft explores why the Deaf Club is their second home and the cultural aspect of being Deaf in a ‘hearing’ world.