Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society
Group Photo: Manawatu Deaf Women’s Group, 25th Anniversary, 1968-1993

Images – Taonga source: Manawatu Deaf Society
Group Photo: Manawatu Deaf Women’s Group, 30 Years Celebration, 1998

video – Taonga source: Rae McKie
Deaf Marching Girls at the New Zealand National Marching Championships
The School for the Deaf Marching Girls are invited to perform their routine at the New Zealand National Marching Championships, 45 years after the group was set-up.

publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News
Deaf News of New Zealand: 1974 (Vol. 11, No. 3)

video – Taonga source: Dorothy Jones
Manawatu Women’s Group celebrates its 30th birthday!
The fine women of the Manawatu Women’s Group celebrate their 30th birthday, and tell stories about their time in the Women's group. Games, cake-cutting, photo montages up for viewing and lots of reminiscing, before the ladies head out for a well-attended dinner at a restaurant open to all, even the men!

video – Taonga source: Rae McKie
School for the Deaf Marching Girls reunited 45 years later!
The infamous Deaf Marching Girls reunite 45 years later, with a Friday spent practicing before showing their routine to supporters at van Asch on the Sunday.