video – Taonga source: Sara Pivac Alexander
Asia-Pacific Deaf Youth Camp, 2002
The 2nd Asia Pacific Deaf Youth camp (APDYC) held at the Sir Edmund Hillary Outdoor Pursuits Centre in Turangi is featured on ‘Inside Out’. Altogether, there were 43 Deaf youths from 12 countries, 15 youth leaders, 10 interpreters and a couple of guest speakers.

video – Taonga source: Allan Richardson
Summer Deaf Youth Camp 1996
Comprehensive footage of the participants and activities at the 1996 Summer Deaf Youth Camp in Otaki.

video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury
Japanese Deaf group visits Christchurch Deaf Club
It's a Friday evening and the Christchurch Deaf Club is where its happening! A tour group of 24 Deaf Japanese visitors make CDC a must-visit on their New Zealand itinerary.

article – Taonga source: The Press.
Deaf chef Kristofer Jonsson encourages others to break through barriers
Kristofer Jonsson is a calm and quiet chef, never yelling at anyone in the kitchen, and for good reason – he's deaf. "I focus on the visual side – you can look at the colour, where things are browning."

video – Taonga source: Rodney Roberts
Central Zone holds onto the Shield!
Footage of all three men's games of the 2000 National Deaf Rugby Championships at the Canterbury Rugby League Stadium, combined into one clip. Includes pre-match Deaf cheerleading display.