Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, NZ Deaf Sports Convention, Wellington 1972

video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton
Kelston School for Deaf sends its netball and rugby teams to Russell
Kelston School for Deaf sends its netball and rugby teams to Russell.

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Cunniffe Memorial Cup, Basketball, Auckland 1973

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Basketball Club, 1974

video – Taonga source: Archives New Zealand
Kelston School for the Deaf students treated to a trip to Mt Ruapehu
Students from Kelston School for the Deaf enjoy a two-day trip to a snowy Mt Ruapehu.

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Team Photo: Bankstown (Sydney) Deaf Club v Auckland Deaf Society, 1972

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society, Winners of Bob Scott Memorial Shield (Badminton), 1973

Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Team Photo: Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Basketball Club, 1975

video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton
Sports Day at Kelston School for the Deaf
The School for Deaf annual sports day is held at Kelston with athletics, long jumping, relay races and performances.

video – Taonga source: Susan Hamilton
The Governor-General and his wife visits Kelston School for the Deaf
The Governor-General Sir Bernard and Lady Fergusson visited Kelston School for the Deaf on 4 April 1964. They were entertained by swimming and gymnastics display by its deaf pupils.

article – Taonga source: The Auckland Star
A winter treat for the deaf
A group of 44 deaf youngsters from Kelston School for the Deaf take a two-day visit to the Ruapehu snowfields.

video – Taonga source: Janice and Gary Howard
Annual Auckland Picnic at Orewa, 1969
Members of the Auckland Deaf Society and friends attend the annual picnic at Orewa Beach in March 1969.

publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News