video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Perry Strawson

Perry Strawson entertains with stories and funny tales from his life; what it’s like to enjoy sports and travel as a young Deaf man.
AUT Visual Languages Section
article – Taonga source: The Dominion

Communicating from a silent world

Jenny Griffiths, the mother of two profoundly deaf children, talks about communicating with them in Total Communication.
video – Taonga source: Merge NZ

The Watercooler: Deaf Youth edition

Deaf Youth in New Zealand sharing experiences and stories from their lives.
Merge NZ
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Travelling with sign language

Last week we met the Fergusons, a family of five who communicate using NZSL. Here, we join the Fergusons on their trip of a lifetime attending the World Federation of the Deaf Congress — in Paris.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Dennis Robinson

Dennis talks about his past struggles and joys in life, his love of ten pin bowling and travel, punctuated with jokes and stories.
AUT Visual Languages Section
video – Taonga source: Merge NZ

The Watercooler: Deaf Edition

Three Deaf panelists talk about their experiences in communication, schooling, and work. Facilitated by a Deaf MC with interpreted voice over these hilarious, heartwarming experiences give an insight into the Deaf community.
Merge NZ
video – Taonga source: Deaf Children New Zealand

NZSL and Us: Zenos Tamihana, Auckland

Zenos Tamihana comes from a large, loving family that cares deeply about his communication needs. He is a lively, happy young boy who loves sports and attends Kelston Primary School in Auckland. Zenos has a teacher who is Deaf herself and uses NZSL in class. Zenos thrives at home and at school largely thanks to full access to language and communication.
Deaf Children New Zealand
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Ivan and Hilda Tamepo

In an open and touching interview, Ivan and Hilda tell their tales of growing up in New Zealand, and look back on photos from their deaf schooling years.
AUT Visual Languages Section
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

My Deaf Parents

Parents and teenagers don't always see eye to eye, but what if they speak a different language? This CODA family, with Deaf parents, is learning how to keep the lines of communication.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Using sign language as a family

The Fergusons are an average family of five who have fun, sometimes fight but mostly get along. The main difference is that three of them are deaf, and NZSL is the first language for the whole family. How does this work in a busy household with two teens and a toddler? We spend a few days with the Fergusons and discover it works remarkably well. Especially for the eldest Zoe who is exploring advocating for New Zealand deaf youth.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Being Me: Jared Flitcroft

Jared Flitcroft is a filmmaker, a businessman, a family man, and he is Deaf. Despite being fluent in Te Reo and NZSL, Jared faced barriers in the largely hearing-led film industry where so much depended on him hearing and communicating with those around him. Undeterred, he began creating his own inclusive projects.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Berry Family: Part 1

We take you into the home of the Berrys and look at the lives of deaf New Zealanders.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Ava Buzzard (2004)

Ava Buzzard talks about commuting to school via her father’s motorbike, home signs, signing and oralism, and the next generation of signers.
AUT Visual Languages Section
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Julie Bullivant

Julie Bullivant tells her story about what it was like growing up deaf and attending van Asch, a deaf boarding school.
AUT Visual Languages Section
video – Taonga source: Deaf Children New Zealand

NZSL and Us: Diamond Johnson, Hamilton

Diamond is a bubbly and active little girl who loves a challenge. Her whānau embraces all three of New Zealand’s languages: English, Te Reo Māori and NZSL. Her mother is determined to improve her NZSL by attending sign language classes so she that she will be able to communicate with Diamond fully as she grows up. Her whānau has a strong commitment to ensure Diamond is exposed to as much NZSL as possible including access to Deaf role models.
Deaf Children New Zealand
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Parenting with Sign Language

We’re alongside Sarah who is Deaf and preparing to give birth to her first child. Having been there twice before, Deaf parents Victoria and Greg, are on hand for advice.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Marcia: Two Sides Of Me

On the Roller Derby court she's the revered 'Meat Train', but Marcia is starting to lose her hearing. She finds Deafness a scary prospect, yet must face her new identity.
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

The Berry Family: Part 2

We take you into the home of the Berrys and look at the lives of deaf New Zealanders. Playing poker is one of this family’s favourite pastimes!
Attitude Pictures
video – Taonga source: AUT Visual Languages Section

Memories of Ava Buzzard (2002)

Ava Buzzard talks about life growing up in Christchurch, her hobbies, moving to Auckland as well as her children and their educational upbringing.
AUT Visual Languages Section