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video – Taonga source: Ministry of Education

National Deaf Youth Hui 2014

In August 2014, the Ministry of Education brought Deaf students together from across New Zealand for a weekend of ideas, learning and friendship. The Ministry called the hui to better understand what school is really like for Deaf students and to gather their ideas on how things could be improved. This video captures the workshops, fun activities and growing friendships that happened over the weekend.
Ministry of Education
video – Taonga source: Ministry of Education

Acknowledgements – Ko Wai Au? Who Am I? See My Voice?

An acknowledgement to all the team who helped make the Ko Wai Au? Who Am I? See My Voice? exhibition possible. Ko Wai Au is an exhibition empowering Māori rangatahi who identify as Deaf to communicate with others leading to a wider understanding of aspirations as young Deaf Māori.
Ministry of Education
video – Taonga source: Ministry of Education

Ko Wai Au? Who Am I? See My Voice?

A video with six rangatahi communicating their stories of being young Turi Māori (Māori Deaf). The topics they discuss include recognition and acknowledgement of Deaf people in the past, Dame Whina Cooper and the impact of Kelston Deaf Education Centre.
Ministry of Education
Est. 2012
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Sign Talent Quest

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: Attitude Pictures

Deaf Teen’s New School

Gaby Evans is 13 and moving hundreds of kilometres from her rural home to Auckland's Kelston Deaf Education Centre. Until now she's been isolated, and never had to know how to sign. If she's going to make it on her own she's going to have to come out of her shell and learn to communicate with her deaf classmates.
Attitude Pictures