Images – Taonga source: Margaret Coutts
Team Photo: New Zealand Deaf Sports Team: XVI World Games for the Deaf, Christchurch 1989

NZSL Stories

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, Cunniffe Memorial Cup Winner 1998

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Wellington Deaf Basketball Team, 2nd NZ Deaf Basketball Championship, Wellington 1999

Est. 1950
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
Cunniffe Memorial Cup: N.Z. Deaf Societies Men’s Basketball Challenge Cup

Images – Taonga source: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union
Team Photo: Central Zone Deaf Rugby Union, Winner National Deaf Rugby Tournament, 1995

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Wellington Deaf Basketball Team, New Zealand Deaf Games 1991

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Wellington Deaf Basketball Team, 1992

Est. 1984
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society
N.Z. Deaf Amateur Sports Association, Bernie Clews Trophy: Outstanding Men’s Basketball Player

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Wellington/Central Districts Deaf Men’s Basketball Team, 2001

article – Taonga source: The Evening Post
Wellington fields 16 at deaf Games
Sixteen Wellingtonians are part of the 97 strong New Zealand team to compete in the 16th World Games for the Deaf in Christchurch. Local members of the team and the sport they are competing in are listed.
NZSL Stories

Est. 1980
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society
Wellington Deaf Society’s Most Popular Member of the Year

video – Taonga source: Deaf Society of Canterbury
Basketball finals pull in the crowds at the NZ Deaf Games, Christchurch 1987
The popular basketball programme was hosted over two days at Cowles Stadium with footage coverage of the Manawatu and Christchurch ladies competing for the Otago Deaf Society Cup, which Manawatu won (19-15). The winner of the Cunliffe Memorial Cup (men’s) went to Christchurch, with the runner up Wellington (63-56).

Est. 1969
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society
Walton Award: Sports Man of the Year

Images – Taonga source: Clive Morgan
Team Photo: Wellington Deaf Society Men’s Basketball Team, New Zealand Deaf Games 1989