video – Taonga source: Deaf Children New Zealand
NZSL and Us: Jorja Steele, Christchurch
Jorja loves to interact with Deaf students at her age and is a keen surfer. She uses NZSL at home and with both her Deaf and hearing peers. She attends a regular school, but it doesn’t stop her from being able to mingle with Deaf girls at age. Her mother is determined to allow Jorja to have the best of both worlds – Deaf and hearing.

video – Taonga source: Ministry of Education
National Deaf Youth Hui 2014
In August 2014, the Ministry of Education brought Deaf students together from across New Zealand for a weekend of ideas, learning and friendship. The Ministry called the hui to better understand what school is really like for Deaf students and to gather their ideas on how things could be improved. This video captures the workshops, fun activities and growing friendships that happened over the weekend.