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Est. 1964
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Annual Picnic: Oliver Trophy – Step Distance

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1940
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Club Ladies Table Tennis

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1969
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Badminton: Judith McLoren Memorial – Women’s Single Championship

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1964
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Annual Picnic: Handicap Race – Allen Trophy

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: 1969 (Vol. 6, No. 3)

Est. 1984
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Indoor Bowls: Fours

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1957
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Wellington Deaf Society Indoor Bowls: Agg Points

Wellington Deaf Society
Est. 1964
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Annual Picnic: Allen Trophy – Run Race, Oliver Trophy – Step Distance, McHattie Trophy – Tug-of-War

Auckland Deaf Society

Elizabeth ‘Maree’ Carroll (QSM)

Maree has given decades of generous service to the community in which she lives. Maree was heavily involved in organising the St Dominic's School for the Deaf school reunions which enabled the school community to remain connected over many decades. Maree was instrumental in establishing the Manawatu Deaf Society, taking a leading role.
Est. 1968
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Bob Scott Memorial Shield: Inter-Club Badminton

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1955
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

75th Jubilee Memorial Shield: Tug-of-War between New Zealand Deaf Societies

Wellington Deaf Society
Object – Taonga source: Pam Witko

Collection of Doreen Howell’s Wellington Deaf Society Indoor Bowls badges and pins

Pam Witko
Est. 1942
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Club Indoor Bowls: Annual Competition

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1941
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Swindale Rose Bowl: Wellington Deaf Club Table Tennis Championship

Wellington Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: Waitemata Indoor Basketball Club, Senior ‘A’ Grade, 1969

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1969
Object – Taonga source: Wellington Deaf Society

Walton Award: Sports Man of the Year

Wellington Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: October 1969 (Vol. 6, No. 4)

NZSL Stories
  • John Hunt
Est. 1960
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Deaf Welfare Centre Indoor Bowling Club: Men’s Singles Championship

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1967
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Society Hunt Cup: All Round Men’s Swimming Championship

Auckland Deaf Society
Est. 1961
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Deaf Welfare Centre Indoor Bowling Club: Champion Pairs

Auckland Deaf Society
video – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

A Deaf Child in the Family

“A Deaf Child in the Family” is an award-winning film which shows authentic scenes from Deaf education centres at Kelston, St Dominics and Sumner, produced as a resource for families of deaf children.
St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Est. 1960
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Deaf Welfare Centre Indoor Bowling Club: Drawn Pairs

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre

Deaf Southern Star: 2011 (Vol. 33, No. 3)

St Dominic’s Catholic Deaf Centre
Est. 1949
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Adult Deaf Society All Round Sports Cup: 100 Yrds Run, Putting The Short, Hop Step and Jump

Auckland Deaf Society
publication – Taonga source: New Zealand Deaf News

NZ Deaf News: Winter 1968 (Vol. 5, No. 4)

video – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Deaf men chat outside Auckland Deaf Society clubrooms

A group of men from the ADS basketball club are seen chatting outside the Auckland Deaf Society Clubrooms.
Auckland Deaf Society
Images – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Team Photo: N.Z. Representatives, World Deaf Games, Belgrade 1969

Auckland Deaf Society

Daniel ‘Danny’ Beech (Benemerenti Medal)

Daniel (Danny) Beech was born in Pahiatua in 1942 and attended St Dominic’s School for Deaf Children from the age of 5. Danny embarked on a life crammed with commitment and loyalty to the NZ Deaf community.
video – Taonga source: Janice and Gary Howard

Annual Auckland Picnic at Orewa, 1969

Members of the Auckland Deaf Society and friends attend the annual picnic at Orewa Beach in March 1969.
Janice and Gary Howard
Est. 1938
Object – Taonga source: Auckland Deaf Society

Auckland Deaf Adult Society Challenge Cup: Table Tennis

Auckland Deaf Society